St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time 15th February, 2015
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: John Roddy, Cloonlumney, 3rd Anniversary
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Thady & Margaret Rush, Daughter-in-law Kathleen, /brother Martin (Mark) Gowlawn, Maria Hunt & son /Johnny (The Cottage) Rooskey
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Ash Wednesday – John Cawley, Srah/Manchester Wednes. 8.00 Carracastle: Ash Wednesday
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Rita Duffy & dec'd Duffy & McDonnell Families
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Eddie & Mary Teatum, Shraugh
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Kathleen Cryan, Bohola
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Christine McDermott, 2nd Anniv. husband Séamus, /his parents Michael & Bridget, sister Una Smith, /brother's Tom & Micháel, dec'd McDermott & Webb /Families, Rooskey & Charlestown
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Mary Regan, Swinford whose funeral took place on Sat. 14th . Sympathy to her daughter Bridie Gallagher, Ballintadder & extended family;
John Cawley, Shraugh/Manchester whose death took place on 10th February. Funeral will take place in Manchester Tuesday next February 17 th. Sympathy to his wife Mary, daughters Anne, Mary & Imelda, son John & extended family; Marist Sr. Marie de Lourdes (Towey) formerly Carracastle whose funeral takes place in Hythe, Kent on Wednesday next February 18th; Paddy Brennan, Palmfield & Vinny Coleman, Palmfield Anniv. 19th Feb.; Mary Jane Ryan, Shraugh, 16th Feb. 2014; Bridget Egan & dec'd Egan family, Lavey. We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Feastdays: Sun. 15th Day of Prayer for Temperance; Wed. 18th Ash Wednesday Day of Fast and Abstinence
Ministers for Ash Wed. 18th Feb., Sat. & Sun. 21st & 22nd Feb., First Sunday of Lent Carracastle: Ash Wednesday 8pm:
Servers: Laura Dooney, Hannah Morrisroe, Emma Morley
Reader: Margaret Owens
Holy Communion: Ann Crowley
Offertory Gifts: Rita Gara & Bernie Brennan
Saturday 8pm:
Servers: Claire Coleman & Niamh Brennan
Reader: Cryan Family
Holy Communion: Teresa Quinn
Offertory Gifts: Cryan Offertory Collectors: Margaret Henry & Carmel McGuinn
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan
Reader: Betty Morris
Holy Communion: Dorothy Richardson & Marian Marren
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Mark Callaghan & Marty Owens
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Reader: Rufina McDermott
Servers: Aoife & Ciara Gillespie
Holy Communion: Beatrice Connor
Offertory Gifts: McDermott Family
Offertory Collectors: Owen & Sean Callaghan
Trocaire Box 2015: Mahlet is thirteen years old and lives in Sebeya, Ethiopa. Her name means ‘Life’ in her native language. There is a sad irony, however, that despite her namesake, she comes from a place where it is difficult for life to flourish, where crops cannot grow and where water is scarce. Mahlet is a very happy and sociable child and loves learning. She hopes to become a doctor when she grows up. In recent years, because of climate change the rains in Sebeya have fallen less and less, making it harder than ever for Mahlet’s family to survive. Her family, along with fifty other households in Sebeya, will soon join an irrigation scheme being built this year by the Adigrat Diocesan Catholic Secretariat (ADCS) with support from Trócaire
Baptism - We welcome into the Christian Community Keeva Elise Morley who was baptised in Rooskey Church on Saturday last 7th Feb. Best wishes to her parents Thomas & Lorraine.
Table Quiz in aid of Irish Prilgrimage Trust will take place in Kennedys Lounge, Doocastle Sat. 21st Feb. at 9pm. Raffle on the night. Refreshments provided. €10 per person. 4 per table.
Operation Transformation walk continues from Community Centre Wed. 7pm & Sat. 10am. There will be a talk on health promotion after walk Sat 21stFeb @ 11am in Community Centre
Charlestown Athletic FC - To enter draw, purchase a €2 50/50 draw envelope or 3 for €5.
Envelopes available from many local outlets. Subscription for 12 or 6 months also available.
Mayo Cancer Support Association would like to thank all those who contributed so generously to the recent Church Gate Collection which raised €174.36 in Carracastle and €236.35 in Rooskey. Mayo Cancer Support Association provides emotional support & practical help to people living with cancer and their families. All services are provided free of charge. Your help is greatly appreciated in our effort to create awareness of the services.
Mayo Stoma Support Group meeting will take place at Rock Rose House, Castlebar on Thurdsay 19th February at 7pm. All are Welcome. Contact 094 9038407
The Mayo Stroke Support Group in association with Croí, will be holding their next meeting - Moving around!-Health benefits of exercise on Thurs 26th February between 11.30 am - 1.00pm in the Newman Institute, Ballina. Admission is free. Tea/Coffee provided. New members are always welcome to attend. Alanna 094-9042368 or Barbara on 096 80497.
Clothing Collection in aid of Fr. Nicholas Ngulutu, St. Joseph's, Kavisuni, Diocese of Kitui, Kenya on Tuesday 17th Feb. at Car parks of Carracastle & Rooskey Churches.
Roscommon Social Car Scheme - Do you have transport needs when you need to go to the doctor, physiotherapist, pharmacy, or attend hospital appointments? If the answer is yes, then the social car scheme may be for you. Volunteer drivers give their time and use their own vehicles to provide door to door transport for older people living in the community, & people with disabilities. Contact Ann Marie 0949862565
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: John Roddy, Cloonlumney, 3rd Anniversary
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Thady & Margaret Rush, Daughter-in-law Kathleen, /brother Martin (Mark) Gowlawn, Maria Hunt & son /Johnny (The Cottage) Rooskey
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Ash Wednesday – John Cawley, Srah/Manchester Wednes. 8.00 Carracastle: Ash Wednesday
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Rita Duffy & dec'd Duffy & McDonnell Families
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Eddie & Mary Teatum, Shraugh
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Kathleen Cryan, Bohola
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Christine McDermott, 2nd Anniv. husband Séamus, /his parents Michael & Bridget, sister Una Smith, /brother's Tom & Micháel, dec'd McDermott & Webb /Families, Rooskey & Charlestown
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Mary Regan, Swinford whose funeral took place on Sat. 14th . Sympathy to her daughter Bridie Gallagher, Ballintadder & extended family;
John Cawley, Shraugh/Manchester whose death took place on 10th February. Funeral will take place in Manchester Tuesday next February 17 th. Sympathy to his wife Mary, daughters Anne, Mary & Imelda, son John & extended family; Marist Sr. Marie de Lourdes (Towey) formerly Carracastle whose funeral takes place in Hythe, Kent on Wednesday next February 18th; Paddy Brennan, Palmfield & Vinny Coleman, Palmfield Anniv. 19th Feb.; Mary Jane Ryan, Shraugh, 16th Feb. 2014; Bridget Egan & dec'd Egan family, Lavey. We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Feastdays: Sun. 15th Day of Prayer for Temperance; Wed. 18th Ash Wednesday Day of Fast and Abstinence
Ministers for Ash Wed. 18th Feb., Sat. & Sun. 21st & 22nd Feb., First Sunday of Lent Carracastle: Ash Wednesday 8pm:
Servers: Laura Dooney, Hannah Morrisroe, Emma Morley
Reader: Margaret Owens
Holy Communion: Ann Crowley
Offertory Gifts: Rita Gara & Bernie Brennan
Saturday 8pm:
Servers: Claire Coleman & Niamh Brennan
Reader: Cryan Family
Holy Communion: Teresa Quinn
Offertory Gifts: Cryan Offertory Collectors: Margaret Henry & Carmel McGuinn
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan
Reader: Betty Morris
Holy Communion: Dorothy Richardson & Marian Marren
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Mark Callaghan & Marty Owens
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Reader: Rufina McDermott
Servers: Aoife & Ciara Gillespie
Holy Communion: Beatrice Connor
Offertory Gifts: McDermott Family
Offertory Collectors: Owen & Sean Callaghan
Trocaire Box 2015: Mahlet is thirteen years old and lives in Sebeya, Ethiopa. Her name means ‘Life’ in her native language. There is a sad irony, however, that despite her namesake, she comes from a place where it is difficult for life to flourish, where crops cannot grow and where water is scarce. Mahlet is a very happy and sociable child and loves learning. She hopes to become a doctor when she grows up. In recent years, because of climate change the rains in Sebeya have fallen less and less, making it harder than ever for Mahlet’s family to survive. Her family, along with fifty other households in Sebeya, will soon join an irrigation scheme being built this year by the Adigrat Diocesan Catholic Secretariat (ADCS) with support from Trócaire
Baptism - We welcome into the Christian Community Keeva Elise Morley who was baptised in Rooskey Church on Saturday last 7th Feb. Best wishes to her parents Thomas & Lorraine.
Table Quiz in aid of Irish Prilgrimage Trust will take place in Kennedys Lounge, Doocastle Sat. 21st Feb. at 9pm. Raffle on the night. Refreshments provided. €10 per person. 4 per table.
Operation Transformation walk continues from Community Centre Wed. 7pm & Sat. 10am. There will be a talk on health promotion after walk Sat 21stFeb @ 11am in Community Centre
Charlestown Athletic FC - To enter draw, purchase a €2 50/50 draw envelope or 3 for €5.
Envelopes available from many local outlets. Subscription for 12 or 6 months also available.
Mayo Cancer Support Association would like to thank all those who contributed so generously to the recent Church Gate Collection which raised €174.36 in Carracastle and €236.35 in Rooskey. Mayo Cancer Support Association provides emotional support & practical help to people living with cancer and their families. All services are provided free of charge. Your help is greatly appreciated in our effort to create awareness of the services.
Mayo Stoma Support Group meeting will take place at Rock Rose House, Castlebar on Thurdsay 19th February at 7pm. All are Welcome. Contact 094 9038407
The Mayo Stroke Support Group in association with Croí, will be holding their next meeting - Moving around!-Health benefits of exercise on Thurs 26th February between 11.30 am - 1.00pm in the Newman Institute, Ballina. Admission is free. Tea/Coffee provided. New members are always welcome to attend. Alanna 094-9042368 or Barbara on 096 80497.
Clothing Collection in aid of Fr. Nicholas Ngulutu, St. Joseph's, Kavisuni, Diocese of Kitui, Kenya on Tuesday 17th Feb. at Car parks of Carracastle & Rooskey Churches.
Roscommon Social Car Scheme - Do you have transport needs when you need to go to the doctor, physiotherapist, pharmacy, or attend hospital appointments? If the answer is yes, then the social car scheme may be for you. Volunteer drivers give their time and use their own vehicles to provide door to door transport for older people living in the community, & people with disabilities. Contact Ann Marie 0949862565
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome