St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey
Twenty First-Sunday in Ordinary Time 24th August, 2014
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Tommy Regan, Nottingham/ Craggagh
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Patrick & Annie Carrabine, Cloonfane
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Mary Regan, Cloonlumney
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: Henry & Nancy Grady, Brackloon
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: John & Agnes Caffrey & dec'd of Caffrey & Rush families
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Ann Higgins, Ballina, sister in law of Mary Higgins, New Houses. We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for Sat & Sun 30th & 31st Aug. Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Servers: Natasha & Sarah-Jane Richardson, Ailish Taheny
Reader: Caffrey Family
Holy Communion: Ann Dooney
Offertory Gifts: Caffrey Family
Offertory Collectors: Rachel Hunt & Jimmy Tarpey
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan
Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Dorothy Richardson & Marian Marren
Offertory Gifts: Kitty Higgins & Margaret Owens
Offertory Collectors: Vinny Coleman & Martin Owens
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Reader: Tina Beirne
Servers: Nill Towey, Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: Marian Callaghan
Offertory Gifts: Celia Gallagher & Bridie Kelleher
Offertory Collectors: Owen Callaghan & Sean Callaghan
Bringing Theology Home – Dont just go to Church: Be The Church; Get ready by studying theology from home or in class. Application deadline is 22nd Sept. Ph. 014048124 email [email protected] web:
Irish Red Cross Ballaghaderreen Cycle Fundraiser will take place 31st Aug. Registration at The Fiddlers Ballaghaderreen at 9am. Cycle start 10a.m. Entry fee €20. A 25 km & 55 km cycle on the day. Refreshments & Raffle for the cyclist afterwards in The Fiddlers. All Welcome/Please Support
Supervised Study Mon. to Thurs 4:10 to 6:10pm. €10 per week. Information please contact CDP Office, The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen .0949862565. email [email protected]
Bonniconlon is the focus parish of our prayer this week. 'Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, & if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses. ...the church will evangelise the world, by her living witness of fidelity to the Lord Jesus - the witness of poverty & detachment, of freedom in the face of the powers of this world, in short, the witness of sanctity' [Pope Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, p.41] We are praying for our diocese because ....we desire that all of us, women & men, young & old, hear and heed the call to discipleship, the call to live as authentic witnesses of gospel joy & holiness of life in our parishes and our diocese.
Sunday August 31st, “Walk To Mass” Fr Robert McCabe, a priest of Meath Diocese, circulated an email during the week. In it, he asked that we might encourage people to walk all or part of the way to Mass on Sunday, August 31st. He sees this as an opportunity to show our solidarity with displaced Christians in Iraq and other regions who have been forced to leave their homes and parishes or risk immediate death. So the invitation is going out this weekend. In coming to Mass next weekend – would you consider walking some of the way or all of the way? Each step taken is for someone forced to walk. The hope too is that some political awarness might be drawn to the steps taken and a more robust response be found.
Scoil Iosa will re-open after the summer break on Monday 1st September at 9am.
The Tommy Davey School of French is re-opening in the C.D.P. Offices, The Shambles, Ballaghaderren Monday 15th Sept. Further details contact 087-7609102
St. Nathy's College, Ballaghaderreen will re-open this Tues. Aug. 26th. Students will return to class as follows: Tues. Aug. 26th 1st Years from 9:15 – 12:55; Wed. Aug. 27th 1st & 2nd Years from 9:15 – 12:55; Thurs. Aug. 28th All Students) except T.Y.'s Mon.1st) from 9:15 – 15:50;
St. Joseph's Community College, Charlestown opens on Wednesday August 27th, Thursday 28th for First Year students, Friday 29th for Junior, Leaving Certificate and First Years, Monday 1st September all students except TY's and Monday 8th for All students.
Walk to remember Ronan Duffy's Birthday Sat. 6t Sept. Meet at Bensons at 5.30pm to walk & talk round the block. Donations welcome for Mayo Suicide Liaison Project. Please support
Irish Heart Foundation Annual Churchgate Collection will be held next weekend 30th/31st
Thanks is expressed to all who contributed to the Hospice Collection. €402 was raised.
Medugorje Mass For Peace in Church of St. John the Evangelist, Tubbercurry Fri. 29th Aug. 8pm Holy Rosary followed by Holy Mass. Film on Our Lady's Apparitions (33rd Anniv. June 1981-2014.
Clothing Collection in aid of Fr. Nicholas Ngulutu, Diocese of Kitui, Kenya on 3rd Sept.
North Connaught College Tubbercurry, is offering courses certified by QQI, ITEC,CIBTAC & CIDESCO. Advanced Administration, Beauty Therapy, Business Legal/Medical/Retail, Early Childhood Care & Education Level 5 & 6, Community Development, Healthcare Support, Nursing Studies, Security Studies, &Tourism Studies. Call in for more details. Enrolment 3rd Sept 4-7pm
Millennium Pageant of Achonry: To celebrate ‘National Heritage Week’, a video on the ‘Millennium Pageant of Achonry will be show in ‘Cois Tine’ Heritage Centre Kilmovee on Friday evening August 29th at 8pm sharp. This Pageant is based on the early history of our diocese and was staged in Achonry on August 13th 2000. This spectacular show depicts scenes from the lives of the principal Saints associated with the diocese of Achonry. The Pageant tells the story of our faith in a most entertaining way through music, song, dance and conversation with very experienced actors and actresses. There are 50 or more musicians, singers and dancers from around the diocese that took part. The music was provided by Kilmovee junior Comhaltas group, and Ballaghaderreen folk group. The dancers were from St. Attract’s N.S. Charlestown and actors from Kilmovee, Kilkelly, Tubbercurry, Chaffpool, Charlestown and Achonry. Please be seated by 7.45pm. Admission is free. Refreshments served.
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome
Grow it yourself: The next meeting for GIY will be held in the Community Resource Centre, The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen Tues 26th Aug at 8pm. New members always welcome. For further details please call 094 9862565 or email [email protected]
Twenty First-Sunday in Ordinary Time 24th August, 2014
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Tommy Regan, Nottingham/ Craggagh
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Patrick & Annie Carrabine, Cloonfane
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Mary Regan, Cloonlumney
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: Henry & Nancy Grady, Brackloon
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: John & Agnes Caffrey & dec'd of Caffrey & Rush families
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Ann Higgins, Ballina, sister in law of Mary Higgins, New Houses. We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for Sat & Sun 30th & 31st Aug. Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Servers: Natasha & Sarah-Jane Richardson, Ailish Taheny
Reader: Caffrey Family
Holy Communion: Ann Dooney
Offertory Gifts: Caffrey Family
Offertory Collectors: Rachel Hunt & Jimmy Tarpey
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan
Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Dorothy Richardson & Marian Marren
Offertory Gifts: Kitty Higgins & Margaret Owens
Offertory Collectors: Vinny Coleman & Martin Owens
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Reader: Tina Beirne
Servers: Nill Towey, Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: Marian Callaghan
Offertory Gifts: Celia Gallagher & Bridie Kelleher
Offertory Collectors: Owen Callaghan & Sean Callaghan
Bringing Theology Home – Dont just go to Church: Be The Church; Get ready by studying theology from home or in class. Application deadline is 22nd Sept. Ph. 014048124 email [email protected] web:
Irish Red Cross Ballaghaderreen Cycle Fundraiser will take place 31st Aug. Registration at The Fiddlers Ballaghaderreen at 9am. Cycle start 10a.m. Entry fee €20. A 25 km & 55 km cycle on the day. Refreshments & Raffle for the cyclist afterwards in The Fiddlers. All Welcome/Please Support
Supervised Study Mon. to Thurs 4:10 to 6:10pm. €10 per week. Information please contact CDP Office, The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen .0949862565. email [email protected]
Bonniconlon is the focus parish of our prayer this week. 'Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, & if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses. ...the church will evangelise the world, by her living witness of fidelity to the Lord Jesus - the witness of poverty & detachment, of freedom in the face of the powers of this world, in short, the witness of sanctity' [Pope Paul VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, p.41] We are praying for our diocese because ....we desire that all of us, women & men, young & old, hear and heed the call to discipleship, the call to live as authentic witnesses of gospel joy & holiness of life in our parishes and our diocese.
Sunday August 31st, “Walk To Mass” Fr Robert McCabe, a priest of Meath Diocese, circulated an email during the week. In it, he asked that we might encourage people to walk all or part of the way to Mass on Sunday, August 31st. He sees this as an opportunity to show our solidarity with displaced Christians in Iraq and other regions who have been forced to leave their homes and parishes or risk immediate death. So the invitation is going out this weekend. In coming to Mass next weekend – would you consider walking some of the way or all of the way? Each step taken is for someone forced to walk. The hope too is that some political awarness might be drawn to the steps taken and a more robust response be found.
Scoil Iosa will re-open after the summer break on Monday 1st September at 9am.
The Tommy Davey School of French is re-opening in the C.D.P. Offices, The Shambles, Ballaghaderren Monday 15th Sept. Further details contact 087-7609102
St. Nathy's College, Ballaghaderreen will re-open this Tues. Aug. 26th. Students will return to class as follows: Tues. Aug. 26th 1st Years from 9:15 – 12:55; Wed. Aug. 27th 1st & 2nd Years from 9:15 – 12:55; Thurs. Aug. 28th All Students) except T.Y.'s Mon.1st) from 9:15 – 15:50;
St. Joseph's Community College, Charlestown opens on Wednesday August 27th, Thursday 28th for First Year students, Friday 29th for Junior, Leaving Certificate and First Years, Monday 1st September all students except TY's and Monday 8th for All students.
Walk to remember Ronan Duffy's Birthday Sat. 6t Sept. Meet at Bensons at 5.30pm to walk & talk round the block. Donations welcome for Mayo Suicide Liaison Project. Please support
Irish Heart Foundation Annual Churchgate Collection will be held next weekend 30th/31st
Thanks is expressed to all who contributed to the Hospice Collection. €402 was raised.
Medugorje Mass For Peace in Church of St. John the Evangelist, Tubbercurry Fri. 29th Aug. 8pm Holy Rosary followed by Holy Mass. Film on Our Lady's Apparitions (33rd Anniv. June 1981-2014.
Clothing Collection in aid of Fr. Nicholas Ngulutu, Diocese of Kitui, Kenya on 3rd Sept.
North Connaught College Tubbercurry, is offering courses certified by QQI, ITEC,CIBTAC & CIDESCO. Advanced Administration, Beauty Therapy, Business Legal/Medical/Retail, Early Childhood Care & Education Level 5 & 6, Community Development, Healthcare Support, Nursing Studies, Security Studies, &Tourism Studies. Call in for more details. Enrolment 3rd Sept 4-7pm
Millennium Pageant of Achonry: To celebrate ‘National Heritage Week’, a video on the ‘Millennium Pageant of Achonry will be show in ‘Cois Tine’ Heritage Centre Kilmovee on Friday evening August 29th at 8pm sharp. This Pageant is based on the early history of our diocese and was staged in Achonry on August 13th 2000. This spectacular show depicts scenes from the lives of the principal Saints associated with the diocese of Achonry. The Pageant tells the story of our faith in a most entertaining way through music, song, dance and conversation with very experienced actors and actresses. There are 50 or more musicians, singers and dancers from around the diocese that took part. The music was provided by Kilmovee junior Comhaltas group, and Ballaghaderreen folk group. The dancers were from St. Attract’s N.S. Charlestown and actors from Kilmovee, Kilkelly, Tubbercurry, Chaffpool, Charlestown and Achonry. Please be seated by 7.45pm. Admission is free. Refreshments served.
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome
Grow it yourself: The next meeting for GIY will be held in the Community Resource Centre, The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen Tues 26th Aug at 8pm. New members always welcome. For further details please call 094 9862565 or email [email protected]