St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey
Palm Sunday 13th April, 2014
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Thomas & Sarah Hopkins, Clooniron
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions, Palm Sunday
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 11.00 Cathedral: Mass of Chrism – Everybody welcome
Holy Thurs. 8.00pm Rooskey: Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
Good Friday 3.00pm Carracastle: Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Good Friday 8.00pm Rooskey: The Way of the Cross & Veneration
Holy Sat/day 9.00pm Carracastle: Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday 10.00am Rooskey: Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday 11.30am Carracastle: The Community, the Living & Deceased
Your prayers please for Walter Parsons, Botuney. Burial took place in Carracastle on Saturday April, 12th. Sympathy to all his relatives. We remember all whose anniversaries occur.
Good Friday – Day of Fast and Abstinence
Ministers for for Holy Week and Easter Sunday
Holy Thursday:
Reader: Veronica Killoran & Jimmy Tarpey Servers: Niall Towey,& Adam McGowan Holy Communion: Kathleen Duffy
Offertory Gifts: Celia Gallagher, Tina Beirne
Easter Sunday Reader: Seamus Duffy
Servers: Rachel Kelleher, Niall Towey, Adam McGowan Holy Communion: Jack Kelleher
Offertory Gifts: Bridie Kelleher & Marian Callaghan
Offertory Collectors: Kathleen Griffin & Helen Tonra
Carracastle: Good Friday: Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan Reader: Foroige Members
Holy Communion: Teresa Murphy, Marion Roddy
Holy Saturday: Servers: Ailish Taheny, Natasha & Sarah Jane Richardson Reader: Beatrice Connor, Margaret Owens, Eithne Gordon Holy Communion: Margaret Henry & Teresa Quinn
Offertory Gifts: Rita Gara & Bernie Brennan
Offertory Collectors: Rachel Hunt & Jimmy Tarpey
Easter Sunday: Servers: Kian Parsons, Ryan Murphy, Jamie Duffy Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Margaret Kearney & Martin Hopkins
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Vinny Coleman & Martin Owens
Ministers of Holy Communion are requested to please attend Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday at 8pm in Rooskey Church to renew their commitment for another year. Sincere thanks to all Ministers for their ministry in our Parish during the past year and good wishes to Karen Quinn, Corragoola who was recently commissioned as Minister of Holy Communion.
Priest's Easter Collection next week-end. Please use purple envelope provided in box or other envelope to keep separate from offertory collection.
Holy Places collection will take place on Good Friday.
Praying for the Diocese 2014: Foxford (traditionally known as Toomore) is situated in east Mayo. The parish boundary on the west is the river Moy which separates the parish from the diocese of Killala. There are three churches in the parish. On the north side, tucked into the Ox Mountains is the church at Attymachugh, which originally was a primary school. On the east side bordering the parish of Swinford, is the church of the Assumption in Toomore. The parish church in Foxford was built in 1879. In 1961-62 major renovations were carried out on the church, and on 27th. September 1962, Bishop James Fergus re-dedicated the church to St. Michael, the Archangel. The parish is also home to the beautiful Covent Chapel which was built by the Sisters of Charity in 1925. The Foxford Woollen Mills, founded by the Sisters of Charity in 1892, is still in operation and attracts many visitors throughout the year. Foxford has an excellent Addiction Treatment Centre, appropriately called 'Hope House'. There is one primary school, Scoil an Croí Naofa, with over two hundred and sixty pupils, one secondary school, St. Joseph's. Fr. Padraig Costello is the parish priest of Foxford.
The Light is On For You: The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) will be available in Carracastle Church this Sunday April 13th from 5pm – 6 pm. Fr. Martin Jennings will be present. Examination of conscience for adults, teens & children will be available. Please leave in Church after celebrating the Sacrament
Baptisms: We welcome into the Christian Community Alesha Maria Moran, Currina who was baptised in Carracastle Church Saturday last. Congratulations to her parents Ray & Sharon (Gordon)
Caiseal Gaels Minor Result: Castlebar Mitchels Hurling 2-12 to Caiseal Gaels 2 - 4. Next match against Westport.
Sponsored Walk: Carracastle Community Childcare are having a fundraising sponsored walk on this Sunday 13th April, meeting at Childcare centre at 2.30pm to start at 3pm. Please support.
Trócaire Boxes – please return on Holy Thursday, in the envelope provided if possible.
Thanks to Scoil Iosa for Trocaire contribution of €300.
Friendship GroupWed. 16th April, 11.30 – 1.30 in Community Centre, new members welcome.
Mayo North East will hold a training workshop for Local Community Groups on “How to Access Funding” on Tues April 22nd from 7.30pm – 9.30pm in The Swinford Cultural Centre, Station Road, Swinford. Training is FREE. To book contact Patricia Crawley at Mayo North East, Foxford on 094 9256745 or 087 2135960 or email [email protected]
Carracastle Art Group will meet in the Community Center Wed 16th April @ 8.00pm. Anyone interested in Watercolour, Acrylics Pastel painting etc., please come along. More info 0879435036
Personal Best: Hope and Wellbeing - Mayo North East is offering workshops on the mindful Mind set & how it works with hope & well-being. Positive psychology, healthy goal setting & goal getting, new life management skills to enhance your prosperity & well-being, stress management-relaxation techniques. Working with these techniques will assist you to transform the way you feel & manage your everyday challenges. Workshops commence 10.30am to 12.30pm Tues 15th April in Culture Centre, Swinford. Dolores McNicholas 0877704251. [email protected].
Sports Coach Training Programme now in Swinford Trainee Coaches must be unemployed or working part time & in receipt of a social welfare payment or previously self employed, have an interest in GAA, Soccer & Rugby. Be willing to participate in a 12 week training programme for approx 3 days each week, 9.30am–4.30pm Places will be limited to 12 Trainee Coaches. For application form please contact Mary Glynn, Mayo North East LEADER Partnership Co., Head Office, Foxford 0949256745 or e-mail [email protected] Closing date 5pmTues 15th April.
Plastic Collection of waste silage plastic at Ballaghaderreen GAA Pitch Tues. 22nd April 9am-4pm. Contact: FRS Network 0719662781, 0873291081, 0862521699
Western Care Association Motorbike Run Easter Saturday April 19th. Registration at head office beside Swimming Pool from 10am to 10.45am. Finishing time of bike run approx 4.30pm
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome
Palm Sunday 13th April, 2014
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Thomas & Sarah Hopkins, Clooniron
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions, Palm Sunday
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 11.00 Cathedral: Mass of Chrism – Everybody welcome
Holy Thurs. 8.00pm Rooskey: Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
Good Friday 3.00pm Carracastle: Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Good Friday 8.00pm Rooskey: The Way of the Cross & Veneration
Holy Sat/day 9.00pm Carracastle: Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday 10.00am Rooskey: Easter Sunday
Easter Sunday 11.30am Carracastle: The Community, the Living & Deceased
Your prayers please for Walter Parsons, Botuney. Burial took place in Carracastle on Saturday April, 12th. Sympathy to all his relatives. We remember all whose anniversaries occur.
Good Friday – Day of Fast and Abstinence
Ministers for for Holy Week and Easter Sunday
Holy Thursday:
Reader: Veronica Killoran & Jimmy Tarpey Servers: Niall Towey,& Adam McGowan Holy Communion: Kathleen Duffy
Offertory Gifts: Celia Gallagher, Tina Beirne
Easter Sunday Reader: Seamus Duffy
Servers: Rachel Kelleher, Niall Towey, Adam McGowan Holy Communion: Jack Kelleher
Offertory Gifts: Bridie Kelleher & Marian Callaghan
Offertory Collectors: Kathleen Griffin & Helen Tonra
Carracastle: Good Friday: Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan Reader: Foroige Members
Holy Communion: Teresa Murphy, Marion Roddy
Holy Saturday: Servers: Ailish Taheny, Natasha & Sarah Jane Richardson Reader: Beatrice Connor, Margaret Owens, Eithne Gordon Holy Communion: Margaret Henry & Teresa Quinn
Offertory Gifts: Rita Gara & Bernie Brennan
Offertory Collectors: Rachel Hunt & Jimmy Tarpey
Easter Sunday: Servers: Kian Parsons, Ryan Murphy, Jamie Duffy Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Margaret Kearney & Martin Hopkins
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Vinny Coleman & Martin Owens
Ministers of Holy Communion are requested to please attend Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday at 8pm in Rooskey Church to renew their commitment for another year. Sincere thanks to all Ministers for their ministry in our Parish during the past year and good wishes to Karen Quinn, Corragoola who was recently commissioned as Minister of Holy Communion.
Priest's Easter Collection next week-end. Please use purple envelope provided in box or other envelope to keep separate from offertory collection.
Holy Places collection will take place on Good Friday.
Praying for the Diocese 2014: Foxford (traditionally known as Toomore) is situated in east Mayo. The parish boundary on the west is the river Moy which separates the parish from the diocese of Killala. There are three churches in the parish. On the north side, tucked into the Ox Mountains is the church at Attymachugh, which originally was a primary school. On the east side bordering the parish of Swinford, is the church of the Assumption in Toomore. The parish church in Foxford was built in 1879. In 1961-62 major renovations were carried out on the church, and on 27th. September 1962, Bishop James Fergus re-dedicated the church to St. Michael, the Archangel. The parish is also home to the beautiful Covent Chapel which was built by the Sisters of Charity in 1925. The Foxford Woollen Mills, founded by the Sisters of Charity in 1892, is still in operation and attracts many visitors throughout the year. Foxford has an excellent Addiction Treatment Centre, appropriately called 'Hope House'. There is one primary school, Scoil an Croí Naofa, with over two hundred and sixty pupils, one secondary school, St. Joseph's. Fr. Padraig Costello is the parish priest of Foxford.
The Light is On For You: The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) will be available in Carracastle Church this Sunday April 13th from 5pm – 6 pm. Fr. Martin Jennings will be present. Examination of conscience for adults, teens & children will be available. Please leave in Church after celebrating the Sacrament
Baptisms: We welcome into the Christian Community Alesha Maria Moran, Currina who was baptised in Carracastle Church Saturday last. Congratulations to her parents Ray & Sharon (Gordon)
Caiseal Gaels Minor Result: Castlebar Mitchels Hurling 2-12 to Caiseal Gaels 2 - 4. Next match against Westport.
Sponsored Walk: Carracastle Community Childcare are having a fundraising sponsored walk on this Sunday 13th April, meeting at Childcare centre at 2.30pm to start at 3pm. Please support.
Trócaire Boxes – please return on Holy Thursday, in the envelope provided if possible.
Thanks to Scoil Iosa for Trocaire contribution of €300.
Friendship GroupWed. 16th April, 11.30 – 1.30 in Community Centre, new members welcome.
Mayo North East will hold a training workshop for Local Community Groups on “How to Access Funding” on Tues April 22nd from 7.30pm – 9.30pm in The Swinford Cultural Centre, Station Road, Swinford. Training is FREE. To book contact Patricia Crawley at Mayo North East, Foxford on 094 9256745 or 087 2135960 or email [email protected]
Carracastle Art Group will meet in the Community Center Wed 16th April @ 8.00pm. Anyone interested in Watercolour, Acrylics Pastel painting etc., please come along. More info 0879435036
Personal Best: Hope and Wellbeing - Mayo North East is offering workshops on the mindful Mind set & how it works with hope & well-being. Positive psychology, healthy goal setting & goal getting, new life management skills to enhance your prosperity & well-being, stress management-relaxation techniques. Working with these techniques will assist you to transform the way you feel & manage your everyday challenges. Workshops commence 10.30am to 12.30pm Tues 15th April in Culture Centre, Swinford. Dolores McNicholas 0877704251. [email protected].
Sports Coach Training Programme now in Swinford Trainee Coaches must be unemployed or working part time & in receipt of a social welfare payment or previously self employed, have an interest in GAA, Soccer & Rugby. Be willing to participate in a 12 week training programme for approx 3 days each week, 9.30am–4.30pm Places will be limited to 12 Trainee Coaches. For application form please contact Mary Glynn, Mayo North East LEADER Partnership Co., Head Office, Foxford 0949256745 or e-mail [email protected] Closing date 5pmTues 15th April.
Plastic Collection of waste silage plastic at Ballaghaderreen GAA Pitch Tues. 22nd April 9am-4pm. Contact: FRS Network 0719662781, 0873291081, 0862521699
Western Care Association Motorbike Run Easter Saturday April 19th. Registration at head office beside Swimming Pool from 10am to 10.45am. Finishing time of bike run approx 4.30pm
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome