St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey
The Presentation of the Lord Candlemas Day 2nd February, 2014
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Padraic Conway, Lavey
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Deceased Breheny Families, Clooncouse
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: John & Mary Gallagher, Cloonfane
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Eddie &Mary Teatum, Srah
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: Michael Parsons, Tonroe
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Maura Murray, Lavey
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Lily & Tommy Marren, Brackloon
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for John Carty, Knock, husband of Kathleen Regan, formerly of Lecarrow. Funeral mass in Knock this Sunday at 1pm. We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for next Sat. & Sun. 8th & 9th Feb. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Servers: Emma Morley, Laura Dooney, Darragh McNicholas
Reader: Murray Family
Holy Communion: Anne Dooney
Offertory Gifts: Murray Family
Offertory Collectors: Margaret Lundy & Margaret Henry
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Leanne Collins
Reader: Margaret Owens
Holy Communion: Dorothy Richardson, Marian Marren
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Teresa Murphy & Shaun Murphy Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Reader: Kathleen Griffin
Servers: Rachel Kelleher, Niall Towey, Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: John Tonra
Offertory Gifts: Bridie Kelleher & Marian Callaghan
Offertory Collectors: Veronica Killoran & Jack Kelleher
First Friday visits to the sick and housebound during the coming week.
The Irish Pilgrimage Trust Church Gate Collection will take place at both Churches this weekend 1st & 2nd February. Please support this worthy cause.
Afternoon of Prayer in Church of the Immaculate Conception, Curry this Sun. 2nd Feb.3–6pm. Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Rosary, Mass, Testimony & Sharing with Breda Laffy.
Praying for the Diocese 2014: Ballisodare situated at the head of Ballisodare Bay takes its name from the falls and rapids (Eas Dara) on the Owenmore river. Close by the shoreline are the remains of monastic sites, including St. Feichin's Church (7th.century) an Augustinian Abbey and Kildalough Church. The Sally Gardens of Yeats' fame and the lead, zinc and silver mines are also features on the landscape. Today there are two Mass centres in the parish - St. Brigid's Church, which was rebuilt in 2008-2009 & rededicated Aug 16, 2009 by Bishop Kelly, and St. Mary's Oratory located beside the Convent where the Sisters of Mercy reside. There are two schools - St. John's NS and St. Mary's College, and a host of fine organisations catering for both young and old, this enriching the life of the parish.
Achonry Diocese is hosting a one day Conference, on parish renewal and faith formation, as part of 'Praying for our Diocese 2014', in the Fr. Peyton Centre, Attymass, Thurs. 13th. Feb., 11am to 4 pm. Guest speaker is Sherry Weddell, author of 'Forming Intentional Disciples'. The Conference is for all priests & religious, members of Pastoral Councils & others interested in renewal in their parishes & in the diocese. Anyone who wishes to attend please leave your name into the Parish House by Mon. 11th or email [email protected]
Thanks to all who were present in Scoil Iosa on Wednesday last for Grandparents Day and book launch. Sincere thanks to the pupils, staff and the parents association for their preparation. It was a very meaningful and enjoyable gathering for all who attended.
Baptism: We welcome into the Christian Community Tony Joseph Dooney, Lismulgee who was baptised in Carracastle Church on Sat. last. Congratulations to his parents Joseph & Tracy
Friendship Group Wed. 2nd Feb., 11.30 – 1.30 in Community Centre, new members welcome
AGM of Charlestown Athletic FC will take place this Sunday Feb.2nd in the Pastoral Centre, Charlestown at 6pm. All players, parents & anyone interested in the club are invited to attend.
Clothes Recycling Drive: To help raise funds for Scoil Iosa there will be a clothes collection on Thursday 13th Feb. All new & used mens/womens & childrens clean unwanted clothing, shoes, belts, handbags, ties, linens, household textiles, stuffed toys, etc. Mobile phones (placed in a separate bag). Please leave in School before 9.30am on Thursday 13th.
The AGM of Carracastle Community Childcare will take place on Wed. Feb. 5th at 8pm in the childcare facility. Your support would be greatly appreciated. New members very welcome.
Employability Service Roscommon, a confidential & free service, offers support to people aged 18 – 65 with a disability or health related issue who would consider working part-time in their own local area. Call 09496 20328/ 087 6538176/ [email protected]./
Seisiún na nÓg will take place in Kilmovee Community Centre this Sunday 2nd Feb. from 2pm-3:30pm. All welcome for what is always a great afternoon of music, song & dance.
Art/ Essay competition will be run in conjunction with the Charlestown /Carracastle Voice magazine. Application forms for both can be got from schools & the library. The winning essay will be published along with the winning picture in the local magazine. Entries must be handed in to the library by the 15th May. For information contact Charlestown library on 0949255934 The Charlestown/Carracastle Voice: Committee of the newly established magazine are calling on people in both areas to supply photos and articles for the next edition. Articles will be accepted until June 24th. For further information contact Noirin at 0949255934
Thanks is expressed for the recent churchgate collection for Pro-life. €165 was received.
Anam Cara is holding its monthly parent evening on Wednesday 5th February from 19:30 to 21:00 at The Ballybane Enterprise Centre, Galway. This event is free, open to all bereaved parents & a bereavement professional will be present to answer any questions parents may have Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome.
The Presentation of the Lord Candlemas Day 2nd February, 2014
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Padraic Conway, Lavey
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Deceased Breheny Families, Clooncouse
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: John & Mary Gallagher, Cloonfane
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Eddie &Mary Teatum, Srah
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: Michael Parsons, Tonroe
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Maura Murray, Lavey
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Lily & Tommy Marren, Brackloon
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for John Carty, Knock, husband of Kathleen Regan, formerly of Lecarrow. Funeral mass in Knock this Sunday at 1pm. We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for next Sat. & Sun. 8th & 9th Feb. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Servers: Emma Morley, Laura Dooney, Darragh McNicholas
Reader: Murray Family
Holy Communion: Anne Dooney
Offertory Gifts: Murray Family
Offertory Collectors: Margaret Lundy & Margaret Henry
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Leanne Collins
Reader: Margaret Owens
Holy Communion: Dorothy Richardson, Marian Marren
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Teresa Murphy & Shaun Murphy Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Reader: Kathleen Griffin
Servers: Rachel Kelleher, Niall Towey, Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: John Tonra
Offertory Gifts: Bridie Kelleher & Marian Callaghan
Offertory Collectors: Veronica Killoran & Jack Kelleher
First Friday visits to the sick and housebound during the coming week.
The Irish Pilgrimage Trust Church Gate Collection will take place at both Churches this weekend 1st & 2nd February. Please support this worthy cause.
Afternoon of Prayer in Church of the Immaculate Conception, Curry this Sun. 2nd Feb.3–6pm. Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Rosary, Mass, Testimony & Sharing with Breda Laffy.
Praying for the Diocese 2014: Ballisodare situated at the head of Ballisodare Bay takes its name from the falls and rapids (Eas Dara) on the Owenmore river. Close by the shoreline are the remains of monastic sites, including St. Feichin's Church (7th.century) an Augustinian Abbey and Kildalough Church. The Sally Gardens of Yeats' fame and the lead, zinc and silver mines are also features on the landscape. Today there are two Mass centres in the parish - St. Brigid's Church, which was rebuilt in 2008-2009 & rededicated Aug 16, 2009 by Bishop Kelly, and St. Mary's Oratory located beside the Convent where the Sisters of Mercy reside. There are two schools - St. John's NS and St. Mary's College, and a host of fine organisations catering for both young and old, this enriching the life of the parish.
Achonry Diocese is hosting a one day Conference, on parish renewal and faith formation, as part of 'Praying for our Diocese 2014', in the Fr. Peyton Centre, Attymass, Thurs. 13th. Feb., 11am to 4 pm. Guest speaker is Sherry Weddell, author of 'Forming Intentional Disciples'. The Conference is for all priests & religious, members of Pastoral Councils & others interested in renewal in their parishes & in the diocese. Anyone who wishes to attend please leave your name into the Parish House by Mon. 11th or email [email protected]
Thanks to all who were present in Scoil Iosa on Wednesday last for Grandparents Day and book launch. Sincere thanks to the pupils, staff and the parents association for their preparation. It was a very meaningful and enjoyable gathering for all who attended.
Baptism: We welcome into the Christian Community Tony Joseph Dooney, Lismulgee who was baptised in Carracastle Church on Sat. last. Congratulations to his parents Joseph & Tracy
Friendship Group Wed. 2nd Feb., 11.30 – 1.30 in Community Centre, new members welcome
AGM of Charlestown Athletic FC will take place this Sunday Feb.2nd in the Pastoral Centre, Charlestown at 6pm. All players, parents & anyone interested in the club are invited to attend.
Clothes Recycling Drive: To help raise funds for Scoil Iosa there will be a clothes collection on Thursday 13th Feb. All new & used mens/womens & childrens clean unwanted clothing, shoes, belts, handbags, ties, linens, household textiles, stuffed toys, etc. Mobile phones (placed in a separate bag). Please leave in School before 9.30am on Thursday 13th.
The AGM of Carracastle Community Childcare will take place on Wed. Feb. 5th at 8pm in the childcare facility. Your support would be greatly appreciated. New members very welcome.
Employability Service Roscommon, a confidential & free service, offers support to people aged 18 – 65 with a disability or health related issue who would consider working part-time in their own local area. Call 09496 20328/ 087 6538176/ [email protected]./
Seisiún na nÓg will take place in Kilmovee Community Centre this Sunday 2nd Feb. from 2pm-3:30pm. All welcome for what is always a great afternoon of music, song & dance.
Art/ Essay competition will be run in conjunction with the Charlestown /Carracastle Voice magazine. Application forms for both can be got from schools & the library. The winning essay will be published along with the winning picture in the local magazine. Entries must be handed in to the library by the 15th May. For information contact Charlestown library on 0949255934 The Charlestown/Carracastle Voice: Committee of the newly established magazine are calling on people in both areas to supply photos and articles for the next edition. Articles will be accepted until June 24th. For further information contact Noirin at 0949255934
Thanks is expressed for the recent churchgate collection for Pro-life. €165 was received.
Anam Cara is holding its monthly parent evening on Wednesday 5th February from 19:30 to 21:00 at The Ballybane Enterprise Centre, Galway. This event is free, open to all bereaved parents & a bereavement professional will be present to answer any questions parents may have Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome.