St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 11th November, 2012
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Padraig Regan, Cashelcolane, Owen & Maureen /Conway, Pat Conway
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: For the Faithful Departed
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: For the Faithful Departed
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: For the Faithful Departed
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: For the Faithful Departed
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: For the Faithful Departed
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Denis & Mary Hunt, Brackloon, dec'd Hunt & Griffin /families
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: Kathleen Duffy, Gowel, husband William & her /brother Mick Cassidy, Palmfield
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Padraic & Bridget Breheny & daughter Mary, Currina
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: For the Faithful Departed
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Williem Danny O'Brien, Tonroe. Funeral Service in Carracastle Church on Tuesday next at 11am with funeral proceeding to Dublin Crematorium. Sympathy to his wife Theresa and extended family. John Cassidy, Claremorris and formerly of Meelick, sympathy to his sister Teresa Murphy, Glosh and all his family circle; Mary Brennan, Palmfield Anniv. 11th Nov. and all whose anniversaries now occur.
Readers & Servers for next Sunday 18th Nov., Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00: Reader: Margaret Lundy
Servers: Shane & Aidan Morrisroe & Luke Connor
Sunday 11.30: Reader: Shirley Horkan
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn & Thomas Duffy
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00: Reader: Kathleen Duffy
Servers: Curtis Hawksworth, Paul |& Niall Towey
Ministers of Holy Communion for next Saturday & Sunday 17th & 18th November
Saturday 8.00: Margaret Henry & Ann Crowley
Sunday 11.30: Teresa Murphy & Marion Roddy
Dominican Nuns – Monastic Contemplative Life: Single young women are welcome to a come and see weekend, 16th - 18th Nov. www. or Sr. Mairead 041 9838524.
Mass for Bereaved Parents: There will be a special Mass of Rememberance for parents who have lost a child at any age or in any circumstance this Sunday Nov 11th in St John’s Rest & Care Centre, Knock starting at 3pm. The celebrant will be Fr Stephen Farragher. All welcome.
David Parkes concert in Kilkelly Church, Fri. 16th Nov. at 8pm.Tickets €15. Raffle 1st prize a trip to Medjugorie.Tickets: Health Centre, Charlestown, Imelda Toweys, Bllaghaderreen.
Safeguarding Children: The recently published updated Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures will be officially launched on Tuesday, Nov. 13th at 8pm in the Yeats County Inn, Curry, Co. Sligo. Bishop Kelly and the Safeguarding Committee would like to invite Parish Safeguarding Representatives, priests & parishioners to attend.
Church Seats: Back seat in Carracastle Church has been shortened to give an idea on how movement in the church would be helped and health and safety respected. Any observations can be given to any member of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Table Quiz will be held in Davy's on Friday 16th Nov, Starting at 9.30pm.This is a Fundraising event for the Community Center to help with the running costs. It would be appreciated if the various groups using the Center could send a team or even a few members from their group. Entry Fee is €10 pre person, €5 for students,Raffle & prizes on the night.
Caiseal Gaels U16's play Padraig Pearses (Roscommon Champions) in the Connaught Semi Final this weekend.
Indoor Soccer will commence on Tuesday evening next Nov. 13th in the Community Centre. Juniors from 7pm to 8.15pm & seniors from 8.15pm to 9.30pm. It is necessary for parents/guardians to pick up the children immediately after training.
Friendship Group Wed. Nov. 14th 11.30 – 1.30 in Community Centre, new members welcome
Computer Course: Mayo North East are organising a basic computer course in Swinford starting on Wed 14th Nov & will run five consecutive weeks from 9.30am to 4.30pm. The course is free. FETAC level 4 qualification on completion. Dolores: 0949256745/0877704251.
Used Clothes Collection at Carracastle Church car park on this Tuesday 13th Nov. 9am to 12 midday. All types of clean & dry Ladies, Gents & Children' clothing, also bed linen, curtains & towels, shoes tied together in seperate bags. All funds raised goes towards the education of children at St. Augustines Parish of Kenya. Further information on 087 6011913.
Western Care Association Local Services are holding a dance in The Park Hotel, Kiltimagh Fri. 16th Nov. Doors open 9pm. Tickets €15 available from Derek Higgins (087 9030905), The Park Hotel (094 9374922), Western Care Association (094 9029136/144), Training Centres at St. John's, Ballinamore, Highland Lodge, Kilkelly & Ballyhaunis. Music by John McNicholl.
The Gathering 2013 aims to bring Emigrants home to Ireland for a visit some time during next year. An open meeting takes place on Thursday, Nov. 15th at 8pm in the Town Hall Arts Centre, Charlestown with representatives from the Ireland Reaching Out programme. This is an initiative to involve businesses, clubs & community groups in the area, any ideas that will help to draw visitors here next year will be very welcome, particularly plans for a public event. More information is available at and
Safe Pass will be running in the Northwest Roscommon CDP Fri 23rd Nov. Ph. 094 9862565 .
Ballaghaderreen Mental Health Association will be holding a Church Gate collection in all local churches on 17/18 November. Please support.
Register's Office: From November 12th, couples wanting to arrange an appointment with the Register's Office to give notification of marriage etc may do so on line by visiting They may also make their appointment via phone of mail.
Free Social Media Training for Community Groups is being organized by Mayo North East & will be delivered in Swinford in November. Training will outline benefit from social networking, e.g. Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn & the different options available, promoting group activities etc. Places are limited. Booking: Dolores at 094 9256745 or 0877704251
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Padraig Regan, Cashelcolane, Owen & Maureen /Conway, Pat Conway
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: For the Faithful Departed
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: For the Faithful Departed
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: For the Faithful Departed
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: For the Faithful Departed
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: For the Faithful Departed
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Denis & Mary Hunt, Brackloon, dec'd Hunt & Griffin /families
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: Kathleen Duffy, Gowel, husband William & her /brother Mick Cassidy, Palmfield
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Padraic & Bridget Breheny & daughter Mary, Currina
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: For the Faithful Departed
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Williem Danny O'Brien, Tonroe. Funeral Service in Carracastle Church on Tuesday next at 11am with funeral proceeding to Dublin Crematorium. Sympathy to his wife Theresa and extended family. John Cassidy, Claremorris and formerly of Meelick, sympathy to his sister Teresa Murphy, Glosh and all his family circle; Mary Brennan, Palmfield Anniv. 11th Nov. and all whose anniversaries now occur.
Readers & Servers for next Sunday 18th Nov., Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00: Reader: Margaret Lundy
Servers: Shane & Aidan Morrisroe & Luke Connor
Sunday 11.30: Reader: Shirley Horkan
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn & Thomas Duffy
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00: Reader: Kathleen Duffy
Servers: Curtis Hawksworth, Paul |& Niall Towey
Ministers of Holy Communion for next Saturday & Sunday 17th & 18th November
Saturday 8.00: Margaret Henry & Ann Crowley
Sunday 11.30: Teresa Murphy & Marion Roddy
Dominican Nuns – Monastic Contemplative Life: Single young women are welcome to a come and see weekend, 16th - 18th Nov. www. or Sr. Mairead 041 9838524.
Mass for Bereaved Parents: There will be a special Mass of Rememberance for parents who have lost a child at any age or in any circumstance this Sunday Nov 11th in St John’s Rest & Care Centre, Knock starting at 3pm. The celebrant will be Fr Stephen Farragher. All welcome.
David Parkes concert in Kilkelly Church, Fri. 16th Nov. at 8pm.Tickets €15. Raffle 1st prize a trip to Medjugorie.Tickets: Health Centre, Charlestown, Imelda Toweys, Bllaghaderreen.
Safeguarding Children: The recently published updated Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures will be officially launched on Tuesday, Nov. 13th at 8pm in the Yeats County Inn, Curry, Co. Sligo. Bishop Kelly and the Safeguarding Committee would like to invite Parish Safeguarding Representatives, priests & parishioners to attend.
Church Seats: Back seat in Carracastle Church has been shortened to give an idea on how movement in the church would be helped and health and safety respected. Any observations can be given to any member of the Parish Pastoral Council.
Table Quiz will be held in Davy's on Friday 16th Nov, Starting at 9.30pm.This is a Fundraising event for the Community Center to help with the running costs. It would be appreciated if the various groups using the Center could send a team or even a few members from their group. Entry Fee is €10 pre person, €5 for students,Raffle & prizes on the night.
Caiseal Gaels U16's play Padraig Pearses (Roscommon Champions) in the Connaught Semi Final this weekend.
Indoor Soccer will commence on Tuesday evening next Nov. 13th in the Community Centre. Juniors from 7pm to 8.15pm & seniors from 8.15pm to 9.30pm. It is necessary for parents/guardians to pick up the children immediately after training.
Friendship Group Wed. Nov. 14th 11.30 – 1.30 in Community Centre, new members welcome
Computer Course: Mayo North East are organising a basic computer course in Swinford starting on Wed 14th Nov & will run five consecutive weeks from 9.30am to 4.30pm. The course is free. FETAC level 4 qualification on completion. Dolores: 0949256745/0877704251.
Used Clothes Collection at Carracastle Church car park on this Tuesday 13th Nov. 9am to 12 midday. All types of clean & dry Ladies, Gents & Children' clothing, also bed linen, curtains & towels, shoes tied together in seperate bags. All funds raised goes towards the education of children at St. Augustines Parish of Kenya. Further information on 087 6011913.
Western Care Association Local Services are holding a dance in The Park Hotel, Kiltimagh Fri. 16th Nov. Doors open 9pm. Tickets €15 available from Derek Higgins (087 9030905), The Park Hotel (094 9374922), Western Care Association (094 9029136/144), Training Centres at St. John's, Ballinamore, Highland Lodge, Kilkelly & Ballyhaunis. Music by John McNicholl.
The Gathering 2013 aims to bring Emigrants home to Ireland for a visit some time during next year. An open meeting takes place on Thursday, Nov. 15th at 8pm in the Town Hall Arts Centre, Charlestown with representatives from the Ireland Reaching Out programme. This is an initiative to involve businesses, clubs & community groups in the area, any ideas that will help to draw visitors here next year will be very welcome, particularly plans for a public event. More information is available at and
Safe Pass will be running in the Northwest Roscommon CDP Fri 23rd Nov. Ph. 094 9862565 .
Ballaghaderreen Mental Health Association will be holding a Church Gate collection in all local churches on 17/18 November. Please support.
Register's Office: From November 12th, couples wanting to arrange an appointment with the Register's Office to give notification of marriage etc may do so on line by visiting They may also make their appointment via phone of mail.
Free Social Media Training for Community Groups is being organized by Mayo North East & will be delivered in Swinford in November. Training will outline benefit from social networking, e.g. Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn & the different options available, promoting group activities etc. Places are limited. Booking: Dolores at 094 9256745 or 0877704251
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome