St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time 13th October, 2013
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Padraic & Bridget Breheny & daughter Mary, Currina
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Catherine & John Callaghan, John Patrick (Sonny), /Agnes & Joanne Frain, Rooskey Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Special Intention
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Ellen & John Fleming & daughter Marguerite McGuire, Rooskey Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Kathleen Caffrey, Brackloon whose funeral took place during the week. Sympathy to her husband Sean, daughters Leanne & Lisa, sons Mark & David, sisters Margaret & Anne, brothers Michael & Bertie & extended family; Peggy Phillips, Slintshirn, North Wales, wife of the late Paddy Phillips, formerly of Barroe; Seamus Power, Lucan, Co. Dublin, husband of Veronica Callaghan, Rooskey; Richard Quinn, Craggagh, 17-10-97; Mary Murphy, Glosh, 10th Anniversary and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Feastdays: Tues. 15th Teresa of Avila; Thurs. 17th St. Ignatius of Antioch;
Fri. 18th St. Luke Evangelist.
Readers & Servers for next Sunday 20th Oct. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Padraic & Bridget Breheny & daughter Mary, Currina
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Catherine & John Callaghan, John Patrick (Sonny), /Agnes & Joanne Frain, Rooskey Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Special Intention
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Ellen & John Fleming & daughter Marguerite McGuire, Rooskey Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Kathleen Caffrey, Brackloon whose funeral took place during the week. Sympathy to her husband Sean, daughters Leanne & Lisa, sons Mark & David, sisters Margaret & Anne, brothers Michael & Bertie & extended family; Peggy Phillips, Slintshirn, North Wales, wife of the late Paddy Phillips, formerly of Barroe; Seamus Power, Lucan, Co. Dublin, husband of Veronica Callaghan, Rooskey; Richard Quinn, Craggagh, 17-10-97; Mary Murphy, Glosh, 10th Anniversary and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Feastdays: Tues. 15th Teresa of Avila; Thurs. 17th St. Ignatius of Antioch;
Fri. 18th St. Luke Evangelist.
Readers & Servers for next Sunday 20th Oct. Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saturday 8.00: Reader: Margaret Lundy
Servers: Ailish Taheny, Claire Coleman, James Brennan
Sunday 11.30: Reader: Eva Dearie
Servers: Kian Parson, James Keaveney, Shane Doorly-Coleman
Servers: Ailish Taheny, Claire Coleman, James Brennan
Sunday 11.30: Reader: Eva Dearie
Servers: Kian Parson, James Keaveney, Shane Doorly-Coleman
Sunday 10.00: Reader: Fleming Family
Servers: Niall Towey & Adam McGowan
Ministers of Holy Communion for next Sat & Sun. 20th & 21st October
Saturday 8.00: Eileen Murphy & Bernie Brennan
Sunday 11.30: Margaret Kearney & Martin Hopkins
Western Care Association: Ladies Pampering Evening will take place in the Park Hotel, Kiltimagh on Friday, October 18th from 7 to 11pm. Demonstrations, discount vouchers, free samples, goodie bags, raffles, mini fashion show & live music. Adm. €10, payable on the door. All proceeds to Western Care Association Kiltimagh Services.
Thank you to all the Servers for their contribution to the Celebration of the Eucharist and to the Parish Child Protection Representatives for participating in Servers outing this Saturday.
Do This In Memory: There will be a meeting for all parents of children preparing for First Penance & First Eucharist on Tuesday 15th October, in Scoil Iosa at 8pm.
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs. next October, 17th at 8.30pm
Clothes Collection of new & used clothes, shoes, belts, bags, ties, bed linen, stuffed toys & old mobile phones, at Scoil Iosa Thurs. morning, 24th Oct at 9am. Any condition but must be clean.
Caiseal Gaels U16A Hurling Championship - Caiseal Gaels were defeated by Tooreen last week. Next match against Castlebar Mitchels".
St Joseph's Marist Convent SCHOOL REUNION - Great night out with dinner, dancing and reuniting with old friends. Sunday 29th Dec. in CBD Complex Charlestown. Tickets now on sale. Details on or contact Sandra McCudden 087190 1264
Mayo Job Club will be holding training in Cosgallon Centre, Airport Road, Charlestown starting Mon 14th Oct to Fri 1st Nov 2013, 10am - 1pm weekdays only. This free service provides help with CV writing, Job Resourcing, Interview skills, etc for Job Seekers. To register just come along on Mon 14th at 10.00am. €60.00 allowance paid towards travel.
Table quiz in Kennedys Lounge, Doocastle, Friday 18th Oct. @ 9.30pm. Proceeds benefit the Development & Upkeep of Doocastle Cemetery. Further information, contact 086 3146927
Safe pass training will be available in the CDP office. To book a place contact 094 9862565
Practical Parenting Course: Parents of children aged between 0 – 3 yrs interested in gaining some practical advice on parenting and also interested in making new friends are inviteed to come along to the CDP office on Tuesday 15th October from 11am to 1pm. Further information please call 094 9862565 or email: [email protected]
Supervised Study: 2 places left on the supervised study Further information please contact CDP Office,.094 98 62565 or email [email protected]
A Gardening Course will commence in Polytunnel in the CDP in Oct. Contact 094 9862565.
Computer Classes for beginners & follow-on are commencing in the CDP on Monday 14th October. Please contact Stephanie on 0949862565 for details.
World Mental Health day will be held in the CDP Offices The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen on Tuesday 15th October at 12 noon. Everybody Welcome. ‘Lets Talk it makes a difference’.
Fashion Show will take place in the Gateway Hotel. Swinford an Friday 18th October at 8pm, proceeds in aid of Mayo Cancer Support, Rock Rose House, Castlebar. Tickets available from Rock Rose House, Campbells Fashion, Tesco, Gateway Hotel.
Information Technology Skills-FETAC Level 4Course: On completion students will have a greater knowledge of IT, Data Entry/Keyboard, Word Processing, Internet and File Management. The course will start on Fri 18th Oct in Swinford & will run for five consecutive Fridays and is free for unemployed people who want to upskill with a view to improving their work prospects. A FETAC Level 4 qualification will be awarded on completion of the course. Further information please contact Dolores McNicholas at 0949256745 or 0877704251.
EmployAbility IASE Open Door and EmployAbility, Roscommon invite you to attend Business Breakfast Seminar & open day King House, Boyle, Co. Roscommon Fri 18th Oct at 8.30am. Keynote Speaker: Johnny Beirne. “Marketing Your Business Online to Increase Profits” & Patron of EmployAbility Roscommon: Willie Hegarty “Focus on Your Goals” Business Breakfast Event: 8.30-11am. Open Day for Clients 11am – 3pm.. Contact details: Eithne at 0949620328 E: [email protected] / Geraldine 086 4119230 E: [email protected]
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome.
Servers: Niall Towey & Adam McGowan
Ministers of Holy Communion for next Sat & Sun. 20th & 21st October
Saturday 8.00: Eileen Murphy & Bernie Brennan
Sunday 11.30: Margaret Kearney & Martin Hopkins
Western Care Association: Ladies Pampering Evening will take place in the Park Hotel, Kiltimagh on Friday, October 18th from 7 to 11pm. Demonstrations, discount vouchers, free samples, goodie bags, raffles, mini fashion show & live music. Adm. €10, payable on the door. All proceeds to Western Care Association Kiltimagh Services.
Thank you to all the Servers for their contribution to the Celebration of the Eucharist and to the Parish Child Protection Representatives for participating in Servers outing this Saturday.
Do This In Memory: There will be a meeting for all parents of children preparing for First Penance & First Eucharist on Tuesday 15th October, in Scoil Iosa at 8pm.
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting in Parochial House on Thurs. next October, 17th at 8.30pm
Clothes Collection of new & used clothes, shoes, belts, bags, ties, bed linen, stuffed toys & old mobile phones, at Scoil Iosa Thurs. morning, 24th Oct at 9am. Any condition but must be clean.
Caiseal Gaels U16A Hurling Championship - Caiseal Gaels were defeated by Tooreen last week. Next match against Castlebar Mitchels".
St Joseph's Marist Convent SCHOOL REUNION - Great night out with dinner, dancing and reuniting with old friends. Sunday 29th Dec. in CBD Complex Charlestown. Tickets now on sale. Details on or contact Sandra McCudden 087190 1264
Mayo Job Club will be holding training in Cosgallon Centre, Airport Road, Charlestown starting Mon 14th Oct to Fri 1st Nov 2013, 10am - 1pm weekdays only. This free service provides help with CV writing, Job Resourcing, Interview skills, etc for Job Seekers. To register just come along on Mon 14th at 10.00am. €60.00 allowance paid towards travel.
Table quiz in Kennedys Lounge, Doocastle, Friday 18th Oct. @ 9.30pm. Proceeds benefit the Development & Upkeep of Doocastle Cemetery. Further information, contact 086 3146927
Safe pass training will be available in the CDP office. To book a place contact 094 9862565
Practical Parenting Course: Parents of children aged between 0 – 3 yrs interested in gaining some practical advice on parenting and also interested in making new friends are inviteed to come along to the CDP office on Tuesday 15th October from 11am to 1pm. Further information please call 094 9862565 or email: [email protected]
Supervised Study: 2 places left on the supervised study Further information please contact CDP Office,.094 98 62565 or email [email protected]
A Gardening Course will commence in Polytunnel in the CDP in Oct. Contact 094 9862565.
Computer Classes for beginners & follow-on are commencing in the CDP on Monday 14th October. Please contact Stephanie on 0949862565 for details.
World Mental Health day will be held in the CDP Offices The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen on Tuesday 15th October at 12 noon. Everybody Welcome. ‘Lets Talk it makes a difference’.
Fashion Show will take place in the Gateway Hotel. Swinford an Friday 18th October at 8pm, proceeds in aid of Mayo Cancer Support, Rock Rose House, Castlebar. Tickets available from Rock Rose House, Campbells Fashion, Tesco, Gateway Hotel.
Information Technology Skills-FETAC Level 4Course: On completion students will have a greater knowledge of IT, Data Entry/Keyboard, Word Processing, Internet and File Management. The course will start on Fri 18th Oct in Swinford & will run for five consecutive Fridays and is free for unemployed people who want to upskill with a view to improving their work prospects. A FETAC Level 4 qualification will be awarded on completion of the course. Further information please contact Dolores McNicholas at 0949256745 or 0877704251.
EmployAbility IASE Open Door and EmployAbility, Roscommon invite you to attend Business Breakfast Seminar & open day King House, Boyle, Co. Roscommon Fri 18th Oct at 8.30am. Keynote Speaker: Johnny Beirne. “Marketing Your Business Online to Increase Profits” & Patron of EmployAbility Roscommon: Willie Hegarty “Focus on Your Goals” Business Breakfast Event: 8.30-11am. Open Day for Clients 11am – 3pm.. Contact details: Eithne at 0949620328 E: [email protected] / Geraldine 086 4119230 E: [email protected]
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome.