St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey First Sunday of Lent 17th February, 2013
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Thady Rushe, wife Margaret, Daughter-in-law /Kathleen, Brother Martin, Gowlane
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Rita Duffy, Cranmore & dec'd of Duffy & McDonnell
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sat/day 12.00 Carracastle: Martin Denis McGuinn, Botuney, Months Mind
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Martin & Patrick O'Connor, grandparents & dec'd /Family
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Patrick Towey formerly of Tunnagh who died on 8th Feb in London and we remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time
Readers & Servers for next Sunday 24th February, Second Sunday of Lent
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00: Reader: O'Connor Family
Servers: Natasha & Sarah-Jane Richardson,
Sunday 11.30: Reader: Eva Dearie
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Leanne Collins
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00: Reader: Kathleen Duffy
Servers: Curtis Hawksworth, Paul & Niall Towey
Ministers of Holy Communion for Saturday & Sunday 23rd & 24th February
Saturday 8.00: Teresa Quinn & May Grady
Sunday 11.30: Teresa Murphy & Marion Roddy
Adoration for Lent: Ten minutes of Adoration to conclude weekend masses for Lent
Lenten Evening Prayer on Thursday 21st February at 7.30pm in Carracastle Church.
Confirmation Leaders training in Pastoral Centre Charlestown Wed. Feb. 20th at 7.30pm.
Mayo Cancer Support Association would like to thank all those who contributed to the recent Church Gate Collection. The collection was a huge success raising €127.87 in Carracastle.
It is only with your help and generosity that the Association can continue to offer support to people living with cancer, their families and friends. All services provided are free of charge.
Medjugorje Visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti at RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin on this Thurs. 21st February 4 – 7pm. Rosary, Apparition, Holy Mass, talk by Marija. Tickets €5 each.
40 yrs Service: Sincere thanks to Mary Davy who this year marks 40 years of service to Carracastle Church with the choir and altar society and to Tommy Davey who marks 40 years as organist for their huge contribution to the parish. Their commitment is deeply appreciated.
Church Painting: At their last meetings the Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee agreed on painting the interior of Carracastle Church. This week's Western People newspaper will contain the following tender notice :
“Tenders are invited from insured and registered painting contractors for cleaning and painting the interior of St. James's Church, Carracastle. For viewing the church and details of the scope of work and finish date please contact 094 9254301 or 087 9082342. Completed tenders should be sent to The Finance Committee, c/o Parochial House, Carracastle, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Mayo to arrive not later than 6pm, Friday 1st March, 2013”.
Fife and Drum Band going to St. Attracta's Nursing Home this Sunday starting 2.30pm. Band practice on this Monday at 9pm for all members in preparation for St. Patrick's Day outings.
Friendship Group Wed. Feb. 20th 11.30 – 1.30 in Community Centre, new members welcome
Mother and Toddler Group: If you are interested in re starting this group again in Carracastle please contact Teresa at 0876108206
Clothes Collection: There will be a collection of new & used clothes, shoes, belts, bags, ties, bed linen, stuffed toys & old mobile phones, at Scoil Iosa on this Thursday morning, 21st Feb. Any condition once they are clean.
Foróige Disco on Friday next 22nd Feb. in Carracastle Community Centre 8pm to 11pm for all Foróige club members. Other Foróige clubs welcome.
Carracastle Community Alert is in the process of setting up a community based text alert messaging system to help counteract criminal activity in our community & to warn residents in the area of any suspicious activity. In order to compile a list of households & contact details two people known to you will call during the coming two weeks .Should you wish to be involved in this system you will be asked to fill in a form, give €5.00 towards the running costs of the service. We are also offering a scheme to provide monitored alarms for people 65 & over through the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht affairs. If you are interested in applying for one of these alarms please contact any member of the Community Alert.
Carracastle Community Childcare Ltd. AGM on Tuesday February 26th at 8pm. Please support your childcare service by attending on the night.
Charlestown Sarsfields GAA Club dinner dance is being held on Saturday 23rd February in the McWilliam Park Hotel. Tickets can be purchased from any of the executive.
Young Parents Group: NW Roscommon CDP are facilitating the set up of a new support group for young parents. For information come to a coffee morning on Wed. 20th Feb. 11.00 am at The CDP, The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen. Patricia or Catherine on 094 98 62565.
Monster Bingo Knockmore Community Hall this Sunday 17th Feb at 3pm. Prize Fund €2,500
25 Card Drive: Cloonlyon 25 Card Drive every Friday night at 9pm in the Pastoral Centre.
Employability Service - Roscommon Supported Employment, St Patrick's St., Castlerea, (Opposite Church). Open Day Tuesday 19th February 10.30 am – 3.00pm. Staff will be available to provide information.Tea, Coffee and light refreshments provided. Supported Employment provides confidential one-to-one support services for an 18 month period and can assist with C.V. preparation, interview skills, job seeking and support to retain employment. Many individuals with disability or health related issues find part-time work and also retain all or some of their Social Welfare benefits. Tel: 094 9620328, Email: [email protected]
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome.
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Thady Rushe, wife Margaret, Daughter-in-law /Kathleen, Brother Martin, Gowlane
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Rita Duffy, Cranmore & dec'd of Duffy & McDonnell
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sat/day 12.00 Carracastle: Martin Denis McGuinn, Botuney, Months Mind
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Martin & Patrick O'Connor, grandparents & dec'd /Family
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Patrick Towey formerly of Tunnagh who died on 8th Feb in London and we remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time
Readers & Servers for next Sunday 24th February, Second Sunday of Lent
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00: Reader: O'Connor Family
Servers: Natasha & Sarah-Jane Richardson,
Sunday 11.30: Reader: Eva Dearie
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Leanne Collins
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00: Reader: Kathleen Duffy
Servers: Curtis Hawksworth, Paul & Niall Towey
Ministers of Holy Communion for Saturday & Sunday 23rd & 24th February
Saturday 8.00: Teresa Quinn & May Grady
Sunday 11.30: Teresa Murphy & Marion Roddy
Adoration for Lent: Ten minutes of Adoration to conclude weekend masses for Lent
Lenten Evening Prayer on Thursday 21st February at 7.30pm in Carracastle Church.
Confirmation Leaders training in Pastoral Centre Charlestown Wed. Feb. 20th at 7.30pm.
Mayo Cancer Support Association would like to thank all those who contributed to the recent Church Gate Collection. The collection was a huge success raising €127.87 in Carracastle.
It is only with your help and generosity that the Association can continue to offer support to people living with cancer, their families and friends. All services provided are free of charge.
Medjugorje Visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti at RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin on this Thurs. 21st February 4 – 7pm. Rosary, Apparition, Holy Mass, talk by Marija. Tickets €5 each.
40 yrs Service: Sincere thanks to Mary Davy who this year marks 40 years of service to Carracastle Church with the choir and altar society and to Tommy Davey who marks 40 years as organist for their huge contribution to the parish. Their commitment is deeply appreciated.
Church Painting: At their last meetings the Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Committee agreed on painting the interior of Carracastle Church. This week's Western People newspaper will contain the following tender notice :
“Tenders are invited from insured and registered painting contractors for cleaning and painting the interior of St. James's Church, Carracastle. For viewing the church and details of the scope of work and finish date please contact 094 9254301 or 087 9082342. Completed tenders should be sent to The Finance Committee, c/o Parochial House, Carracastle, Ballaghaderreen, Co. Mayo to arrive not later than 6pm, Friday 1st March, 2013”.
Fife and Drum Band going to St. Attracta's Nursing Home this Sunday starting 2.30pm. Band practice on this Monday at 9pm for all members in preparation for St. Patrick's Day outings.
Friendship Group Wed. Feb. 20th 11.30 – 1.30 in Community Centre, new members welcome
Mother and Toddler Group: If you are interested in re starting this group again in Carracastle please contact Teresa at 0876108206
Clothes Collection: There will be a collection of new & used clothes, shoes, belts, bags, ties, bed linen, stuffed toys & old mobile phones, at Scoil Iosa on this Thursday morning, 21st Feb. Any condition once they are clean.
Foróige Disco on Friday next 22nd Feb. in Carracastle Community Centre 8pm to 11pm for all Foróige club members. Other Foróige clubs welcome.
Carracastle Community Alert is in the process of setting up a community based text alert messaging system to help counteract criminal activity in our community & to warn residents in the area of any suspicious activity. In order to compile a list of households & contact details two people known to you will call during the coming two weeks .Should you wish to be involved in this system you will be asked to fill in a form, give €5.00 towards the running costs of the service. We are also offering a scheme to provide monitored alarms for people 65 & over through the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht affairs. If you are interested in applying for one of these alarms please contact any member of the Community Alert.
Carracastle Community Childcare Ltd. AGM on Tuesday February 26th at 8pm. Please support your childcare service by attending on the night.
Charlestown Sarsfields GAA Club dinner dance is being held on Saturday 23rd February in the McWilliam Park Hotel. Tickets can be purchased from any of the executive.
Young Parents Group: NW Roscommon CDP are facilitating the set up of a new support group for young parents. For information come to a coffee morning on Wed. 20th Feb. 11.00 am at The CDP, The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen. Patricia or Catherine on 094 98 62565.
Monster Bingo Knockmore Community Hall this Sunday 17th Feb at 3pm. Prize Fund €2,500
25 Card Drive: Cloonlyon 25 Card Drive every Friday night at 9pm in the Pastoral Centre.
Employability Service - Roscommon Supported Employment, St Patrick's St., Castlerea, (Opposite Church). Open Day Tuesday 19th February 10.30 am – 3.00pm. Staff will be available to provide information.Tea, Coffee and light refreshments provided. Supported Employment provides confidential one-to-one support services for an 18 month period and can assist with C.V. preparation, interview skills, job seeking and support to retain employment. Many individuals with disability or health related issues find part-time work and also retain all or some of their Social Welfare benefits. Tel: 094 9620328, Email: [email protected]
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome.