Mass Times &
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Tom
O'Gara, Peter & Mary McTiernan,
/Joseph Coggeran & Jeremiah
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donor's Intentions
Sunday 11.30
Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00
Carracastle: No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00
Carracastle: Annie Gallagher, nee Marren, Fauleens/England
Friday 7.00
Rooskey: Joseph Tonra, Rooskey
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Tom McBrien, Coventry
Sunday 10.00
Rooskey: Seamus McDermott, parents Michael & Bridget, /sister Una
Smith, brothers Tom & Michael, Rooskey
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For
the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please
for John Martin McCann, Castleduff. Removal this Sunday evening to Carracastle
Church to arrive at 7pm. Funeral Mass on Monday at 12 noon followed by burial in
the local Cemetery. Deepest sympathy to his sister Helen, brother in law Seamus
and extended family. Annie Gallagher nee Marren, formerly of Fauleens,
4-1-1913, 100th Birthday remembrance. We also remember all whose anniversaries
occur at this time
Feastdays: Tues. 1st Jan. Mary, Mother of God, Octave of Christmas,
World Day of Peace
Wed. 2nd Ss Basil the Great and Gregory, bishops and doctors of the
Readers & Servers for next Sun 6th
January, The Epiphany Of The Lord
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Reader: McBrien Family
Servers: Natasha & Sarah-Jane Richardson, Sarah McCann
Sunday 11.30: Reader: Betty Morris
Servers: Liam Newton, Jamie Duffy, Kian
Parsons and
/ Mil0sz Bahrynowski
Rooskey: Sunday
10.00: Reader: Rufina McDermott
Servers: Paul McDermott
Ministers of Holy Communion for next Saturday & Sunday 5th & 6th
Saturday 8.00: Teresa Quinn & May Grady
11.30: Noreen Ryan & Teresa Murphy
First Friday
Visits during the coming week. Anyone not receiving a visit and
who would like to please contact 094 9254301/0879082342
You to
everyone who has played a part in making Christmas so meaningful for us all; to
the sacristans, those who put the cribs in place and decorated them, to those
who decorated our Churches during Advent and for Christmas, to those who
provided christmas trees, transported them and to those who put them and the
lights in place; to those who provided flowers and to those who arranged them;
to the choirs, organist, readers, ministers of holy communion, collectors,
servers & those who carried forward the gifts.
2012 draws to a
close:: Thank You to all parishioners for your commitment to the
parish of Carracastle/Rooskey throughout the past year. Thanks to those who
have carried out the various ministries; to the sacristans, choirs, organists,
musicians, readers, ministers of holy communion, servers, collectors, counters,
those who did the offertory procession, to those who provided flowers and to
those who arranged them. Thanks to those who faithfully attend daily mass
throughout the year. Thanks to the Parish Pastoral Council, the Finance
Commitee, the St. Joseph's cluster representatives and to the child protection
representatives. Thank you to all who helped prepare for special occasions in
the parish. Thanks for the displays to highlight the different seasons of the
church year. Thank you to the principal, staff, board of management, parents
association of Scoil Iosa, to the pre-school and after school for their great
commitment to the children of our parish. Thanks to those on the RSS and FAS
schemes for their help to the parish. Thank you to all who are part of the
various groups and organisations that contribute so much to the local area.
You for
your generosity to the Priest's collection for Christmas and for all your
support in every way throughout the past year.
Offertory Boxes: Thank you for your
contributions during 2012 for the upkeep of the parish. The boxes for 2013 are
available in the churches. They are ordered according to townland. If you
cannot find your box please contact 9254301/0879082342.
Community Mass & Party on Saturday 5th January beginning with Mass at
Caiseal Gaels 2013 Calendar is for sale in
Davys shop
Senior Citzens Christmas Dinner on Sunday
13th January in the Community Centre from 3pm – 6pm. €10 per person. Anyone who
wishes to attend & hasn't already booked please do so by the 8th January.
Contact 094-9860896/094 9861036 or give names to Martin Casey.
Donor Clinic will be held in St. Brigid's Hall, Tubbercurry on Wednesday 2nd
January 2013 from 4.30pm – 8.00pm. New Donors are urgently needed.
Getting Married in the Catholic Church – Accord cares about your
relationship & your future together.To book an Accord Preparation Course
contact 094 9254944/ 2013 calendar for sale in all Library Branches in Mayo and other
Unite for Life – Pro-Life Vigil
will be held in Dublin on 19th January at 4.30pm in Merrion Square. The
vigil will have a positive, clear message about safeguarding the lives of
mothers and babies in pregnancy. Further information Tel. 087 9709998
Defibrillator: The Carracastle AED Group are seeking donations for the
upkeep of the Defibrillator. This is a very important piece of equipment for the
Community. Envelopes are provided at the Church doors & place in collection
basket. Thank you for donations received.
Accord Associate Counsellor:
. Accord Charlestown is interested in hearing from graduate counsellors with
an interest in training with & working with ACCORD. Please contact 094
9254944 or email
[email protected].
in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All
musicians welcome
A Peaceful, Safe HYPERLINK
""&HYPERLINK "" Prosperous New
Year To Everyone.
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Tom
O'Gara, Peter & Mary McTiernan,
/Joseph Coggeran & Jeremiah
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donor's Intentions
Sunday 11.30
Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00
Carracastle: No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00
Carracastle: Annie Gallagher, nee Marren, Fauleens/England
Friday 7.00
Rooskey: Joseph Tonra, Rooskey
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Tom McBrien, Coventry
Sunday 10.00
Rooskey: Seamus McDermott, parents Michael & Bridget, /sister Una
Smith, brothers Tom & Michael, Rooskey
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For
the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please
for John Martin McCann, Castleduff. Removal this Sunday evening to Carracastle
Church to arrive at 7pm. Funeral Mass on Monday at 12 noon followed by burial in
the local Cemetery. Deepest sympathy to his sister Helen, brother in law Seamus
and extended family. Annie Gallagher nee Marren, formerly of Fauleens,
4-1-1913, 100th Birthday remembrance. We also remember all whose anniversaries
occur at this time
Feastdays: Tues. 1st Jan. Mary, Mother of God, Octave of Christmas,
World Day of Peace
Wed. 2nd Ss Basil the Great and Gregory, bishops and doctors of the
Readers & Servers for next Sun 6th
January, The Epiphany Of The Lord
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Reader: McBrien Family
Servers: Natasha & Sarah-Jane Richardson, Sarah McCann
Sunday 11.30: Reader: Betty Morris
Servers: Liam Newton, Jamie Duffy, Kian
Parsons and
/ Mil0sz Bahrynowski
Rooskey: Sunday
10.00: Reader: Rufina McDermott
Servers: Paul McDermott
Ministers of Holy Communion for next Saturday & Sunday 5th & 6th
Saturday 8.00: Teresa Quinn & May Grady
11.30: Noreen Ryan & Teresa Murphy
First Friday
Visits during the coming week. Anyone not receiving a visit and
who would like to please contact 094 9254301/0879082342
You to
everyone who has played a part in making Christmas so meaningful for us all; to
the sacristans, those who put the cribs in place and decorated them, to those
who decorated our Churches during Advent and for Christmas, to those who
provided christmas trees, transported them and to those who put them and the
lights in place; to those who provided flowers and to those who arranged them;
to the choirs, organist, readers, ministers of holy communion, collectors,
servers & those who carried forward the gifts.
2012 draws to a
close:: Thank You to all parishioners for your commitment to the
parish of Carracastle/Rooskey throughout the past year. Thanks to those who
have carried out the various ministries; to the sacristans, choirs, organists,
musicians, readers, ministers of holy communion, servers, collectors, counters,
those who did the offertory procession, to those who provided flowers and to
those who arranged them. Thanks to those who faithfully attend daily mass
throughout the year. Thanks to the Parish Pastoral Council, the Finance
Commitee, the St. Joseph's cluster representatives and to the child protection
representatives. Thank you to all who helped prepare for special occasions in
the parish. Thanks for the displays to highlight the different seasons of the
church year. Thank you to the principal, staff, board of management, parents
association of Scoil Iosa, to the pre-school and after school for their great
commitment to the children of our parish. Thanks to those on the RSS and FAS
schemes for their help to the parish. Thank you to all who are part of the
various groups and organisations that contribute so much to the local area.
You for
your generosity to the Priest's collection for Christmas and for all your
support in every way throughout the past year.
Offertory Boxes: Thank you for your
contributions during 2012 for the upkeep of the parish. The boxes for 2013 are
available in the churches. They are ordered according to townland. If you
cannot find your box please contact 9254301/0879082342.
Community Mass & Party on Saturday 5th January beginning with Mass at
Caiseal Gaels 2013 Calendar is for sale in
Davys shop
Senior Citzens Christmas Dinner on Sunday
13th January in the Community Centre from 3pm – 6pm. €10 per person. Anyone who
wishes to attend & hasn't already booked please do so by the 8th January.
Contact 094-9860896/094 9861036 or give names to Martin Casey.
Donor Clinic will be held in St. Brigid's Hall, Tubbercurry on Wednesday 2nd
January 2013 from 4.30pm – 8.00pm. New Donors are urgently needed.
Getting Married in the Catholic Church – Accord cares about your
relationship & your future together.To book an Accord Preparation Course
contact 094 9254944/ 2013 calendar for sale in all Library Branches in Mayo and other
Unite for Life – Pro-Life Vigil
will be held in Dublin on 19th January at 4.30pm in Merrion Square. The
vigil will have a positive, clear message about safeguarding the lives of
mothers and babies in pregnancy. Further information Tel. 087 9709998
Defibrillator: The Carracastle AED Group are seeking donations for the
upkeep of the Defibrillator. This is a very important piece of equipment for the
Community. Envelopes are provided at the Church doors & place in collection
basket. Thank you for donations received.
Accord Associate Counsellor:
. Accord Charlestown is interested in hearing from graduate counsellors with
an interest in training with & working with ACCORD. Please contact 094
9254944 or email
[email protected].
in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All
musicians welcome
A Peaceful, Safe HYPERLINK
""&HYPERLINK "" Prosperous New
Year To Everyone.