St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey
Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 21st September, 2014
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Annie & Patrick Gordon & son Patrick, Currina
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: John & Agnes Callaghan, dec'd Callaghan, Owens, Doohan Families Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Annie May Reilly, nee Kearney, Fauleens, husband Matt Reilly & brother Dominick, Corragoola
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Special Intention
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Annie & Patrick Gordon & son Patrick, Currina
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: John & Agnes Callaghan, dec'd Callaghan, Owens, Doohan Families Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Annie May Reilly, nee Kearney, Fauleens, husband Matt Reilly & brother Dominick, Corragoola
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Special Intention
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: No Mass
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Marty Flannery, Gowel, 12th Anniv., parents John & Rose /and Tommy & Winnie Farrell
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Ellie & John Quinn, sons Tommy & Oliver, Rooskey
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Mary Ellen Kiernan, Kilmovee. Sympathy to her son Kevin, Currina & extended family; Michael Parsons, Reading/Gowel who died6th September, funeral in Reading on Tuesday next Sept. 23; Desmond Morrisroe, Dublin who died 19th September son of late Jimmy & Elizabeth; Sympathy to their families.
Jack Connor, Barroe, 20-9-07; James Richardson, Currina/Toronto, 1st Anniv.;
We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for Saturday /Sunday 27th & 28th Sept. Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: No Mass
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Marty Flannery, Gowel, 12th Anniv., parents John & Rose /and Tommy & Winnie Farrell
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Ellie & John Quinn, sons Tommy & Oliver, Rooskey
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Mary Ellen Kiernan, Kilmovee. Sympathy to her son Kevin, Currina & extended family; Michael Parsons, Reading/Gowel who died6th September, funeral in Reading on Tuesday next Sept. 23; Desmond Morrisroe, Dublin who died 19th September son of late Jimmy & Elizabeth; Sympathy to their families.
Jack Connor, Barroe, 20-9-07; James Richardson, Currina/Toronto, 1st Anniv.;
We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for Saturday /Sunday 27th & 28th Sept. Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Servers: Natasha & Sarah Jane Richardson
Reader: Flannery Family
Holy Communion: Margaret Henry
Offertory Gifts: Flannery Family
Offertory Collectors: Michael Crowley & Bernie Brennan
Servers: Natasha & Sarah Jane Richardson
Reader: Flannery Family
Holy Communion: Margaret Henry
Offertory Gifts: Flannery Family
Offertory Collectors: Michael Crowley & Bernie Brennan
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan
Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Dorothy Richardson & Marian Marren
Offertory Gifts: Kitty Higgins & Margaret Owens
Offertory Collectors: Vinnie Coleman & Martin Owens Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan
Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Dorothy Richardson & Marian Marren
Offertory Gifts: Kitty Higgins & Margaret Owens
Offertory Collectors: Vinnie Coleman & Martin Owens Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Reader: Orlaith Duffy
Servers: Niall Towey, Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: Una Duffy
Offertory Gifts: Quinn Family
Offertory Collectors: Kathleen Griffin & Helen Tonra
Urgent Calls or if a funeral arises from Wed. of this week please contact one of the following: Fr. Tommy Johnston, Charlestown 085-7789936/094-9254315
Fr. Vincent Sherlock, Kilmovee 087-2424253/094-9649137
The Presbytery, Ballaghaderreen 086-0858889/094-9860011
Blood Donor Clinic at St. Brigid's Hall, Tubbercurry on Tuesday 23rd Sept. from 4.30pm to 8.00pm
Coolaney is the focus parish of our prayer this week. 'Love God, love your neighbour, make disciples' is the 'Mission Statement' of Nativity Church, Maryland, the church featured in the book 'Rebuilt'. It is short & direct and its call to make disciples is a clear response to the parting words of Jesus found in Matthew's gospel 28:19, 'Go make disciples of all nations' Making disciples, forming disciples is a central call for all followers of Jesus, a reality acknowledged in the diocesan prayer, 'Make me more aware of my vocation to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, dedicated to his mission of making you known among those with whom I live & work. As disciples of Jesus, we ask you, Father, to help us renew our parishes so that all will experience the joy of belonging to your family of faith'. We are praying for our diocese because .....we desire that the Lord Jesus enlighten us to better understand, as individuals, as parish & diocese, how to respond to this call 'to make disciples'.
Many thanks for your generous contributions to the Harvest collection. Community Centre Signs kindly donated, designed & directed by Mick O'Hara, Express Signs. Carracastle Community would like to extend their thanks & apprecition for this generous donation.
Friends of the Willows thank the people of Rooskey for kind donation of €201.20 & Carracastle for kind donation of €248.46. All funds raised provide services to adults in our communities who live with mental health issues.
Rock Rose Support Group: Meeting will take place at Rock Rose House, Castlebar on
Thursday 25th September at 7pm. Guest speaker will attend. All are welcome. Contact 094 9038407
Living the Scriptures Joyfully: A series of six talks with different speakers in Galilee Community Boyle beginning Sept. 30th with Sr. Moya Hegarty 8-9.30pm.
Knock Shrine: Evening of Prayer in honour of the Archangels to celebrate their feast day on Monday 29th Sept. at Knock Shrine. Confessions 8pm to 9pm in the Reconciliation Chapel;
9pm - prayer will commence in the Parish Church with Chaplet of St. Michael followed by a talk on the Angels; 10pm - Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament; 11pm will conclude with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Night conducted by Fr. Barry Horan.
Alzheimer's Research is being carried out at present looking to gain an insight into the health and wellbeing of those who live with someone who has dementia. For more information about taking part please contact Alan Galvin or Dr Maria Pertl at Trinity College on 01 896 8414"
The Mayo Stroke Support Group in association with Croí, will be re-commencing monthly meetings. The group will be holding a 'Community Expo' Thurs, 25th Sept, Castlebar Tennis Club 11.30am-1.00pm. Group members will get an opportunity to meet representatives from community groups & clubs to find out how they can get involved in local events. New members are always welcome. Free Admission. Tea/coffee provided. Contact Alanna 094-9042368/Barbara 096 80497
Tony & Bernie Towey Perpetual Cup will take place in the Brusna Inn Friday 26th Sept. 9:30pm The Quick Step, the Old Time Waltz & the Slow Waltz will be the order of the night for couples willing to participate. As well as the Perpetual Cup there will also be plaques for 2nd & 3rd music by John McIntyre & Brass Roots. Adm €5 also includes raffle tickets.
National Learning Network in Castlerea has a number of vacancies on courses which help people to retrain & get a job. IT & Business Studies, Employer Based Training, Employability Skills & Employment Skills. Course offer certification from FETAC Level 3 to 5. Candidates must be over 16yrs & registered with Dept of Social Protection. Helena/Caroline 094 9620374 or
Women’s Club: A chance for women of all ages to come together for a cuppa & chat. This will be held in the Community Resource Centre every Tues. from 10am – 12pm. Contact 094 9862565.
Training Options Programme. Opportunities for people in receipt of disability/illness welfare payments aged 16 to 65. Improve personal development, computer skills, try mindfulness or painting - range of topics to choose from. This course could lead to opportunities to allow you to earn up to €120 per week without payment being affected. Contact Mary 0851376500/0879118624
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome
Servers: Niall Towey, Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: Una Duffy
Offertory Gifts: Quinn Family
Offertory Collectors: Kathleen Griffin & Helen Tonra
Urgent Calls or if a funeral arises from Wed. of this week please contact one of the following: Fr. Tommy Johnston, Charlestown 085-7789936/094-9254315
Fr. Vincent Sherlock, Kilmovee 087-2424253/094-9649137
The Presbytery, Ballaghaderreen 086-0858889/094-9860011
Blood Donor Clinic at St. Brigid's Hall, Tubbercurry on Tuesday 23rd Sept. from 4.30pm to 8.00pm
Coolaney is the focus parish of our prayer this week. 'Love God, love your neighbour, make disciples' is the 'Mission Statement' of Nativity Church, Maryland, the church featured in the book 'Rebuilt'. It is short & direct and its call to make disciples is a clear response to the parting words of Jesus found in Matthew's gospel 28:19, 'Go make disciples of all nations' Making disciples, forming disciples is a central call for all followers of Jesus, a reality acknowledged in the diocesan prayer, 'Make me more aware of my vocation to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, dedicated to his mission of making you known among those with whom I live & work. As disciples of Jesus, we ask you, Father, to help us renew our parishes so that all will experience the joy of belonging to your family of faith'. We are praying for our diocese because .....we desire that the Lord Jesus enlighten us to better understand, as individuals, as parish & diocese, how to respond to this call 'to make disciples'.
Many thanks for your generous contributions to the Harvest collection. Community Centre Signs kindly donated, designed & directed by Mick O'Hara, Express Signs. Carracastle Community would like to extend their thanks & apprecition for this generous donation.
Friends of the Willows thank the people of Rooskey for kind donation of €201.20 & Carracastle for kind donation of €248.46. All funds raised provide services to adults in our communities who live with mental health issues.
Rock Rose Support Group: Meeting will take place at Rock Rose House, Castlebar on
Thursday 25th September at 7pm. Guest speaker will attend. All are welcome. Contact 094 9038407
Living the Scriptures Joyfully: A series of six talks with different speakers in Galilee Community Boyle beginning Sept. 30th with Sr. Moya Hegarty 8-9.30pm.
Knock Shrine: Evening of Prayer in honour of the Archangels to celebrate their feast day on Monday 29th Sept. at Knock Shrine. Confessions 8pm to 9pm in the Reconciliation Chapel;
9pm - prayer will commence in the Parish Church with Chaplet of St. Michael followed by a talk on the Angels; 10pm - Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament; 11pm will conclude with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Night conducted by Fr. Barry Horan.
Alzheimer's Research is being carried out at present looking to gain an insight into the health and wellbeing of those who live with someone who has dementia. For more information about taking part please contact Alan Galvin or Dr Maria Pertl at Trinity College on 01 896 8414"
The Mayo Stroke Support Group in association with Croí, will be re-commencing monthly meetings. The group will be holding a 'Community Expo' Thurs, 25th Sept, Castlebar Tennis Club 11.30am-1.00pm. Group members will get an opportunity to meet representatives from community groups & clubs to find out how they can get involved in local events. New members are always welcome. Free Admission. Tea/coffee provided. Contact Alanna 094-9042368/Barbara 096 80497
Tony & Bernie Towey Perpetual Cup will take place in the Brusna Inn Friday 26th Sept. 9:30pm The Quick Step, the Old Time Waltz & the Slow Waltz will be the order of the night for couples willing to participate. As well as the Perpetual Cup there will also be plaques for 2nd & 3rd music by John McIntyre & Brass Roots. Adm €5 also includes raffle tickets.
National Learning Network in Castlerea has a number of vacancies on courses which help people to retrain & get a job. IT & Business Studies, Employer Based Training, Employability Skills & Employment Skills. Course offer certification from FETAC Level 3 to 5. Candidates must be over 16yrs & registered with Dept of Social Protection. Helena/Caroline 094 9620374 or
Women’s Club: A chance for women of all ages to come together for a cuppa & chat. This will be held in the Community Resource Centre every Tues. from 10am – 12pm. Contact 094 9862565.
Training Options Programme. Opportunities for people in receipt of disability/illness welfare payments aged 16 to 65. Improve personal development, computer skills, try mindfulness or painting - range of topics to choose from. This course could lead to opportunities to allow you to earn up to €120 per week without payment being affected. Contact Mary 0851376500/0879118624
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome