St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 18th January, 2015
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Joe & May Regan, Gowel, daughters Sr. Evelyn & Maura , Martin Regan & Mick Phelan
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: John & Margaret Duffy, Rooskey
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Paddy Brennan, Palmfield
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Henry Regan, 9th Anniv. & dec'd family members
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Catherine & Martin Gallagher, Mary Hunt, dec'd Gallagher & Hunt Families, Cloonlarhan
Sat/day 11.00 Carracastle: Sr. Eileen Davy, Months Mind
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Martin Denis McGuinn, Botuney, 2nd Anniv.
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Tommy Marren (Snr) Tourlestrane, whose funeral took place on Monday last. Sympathy to his son James, Cloonaweema & extended family. Evelyn Molloy, Gowel, 18.01.07 and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for next Sat. & Sun. 24th & 25th Jan. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Servers: Laura Dooney, Hannah Morrisroe, Emma Morley
Reader: McGuinn Family
Holy Communion: Martin Owens
Offertory Gifts: McGuinn Family
Offertory Collectors: Michael Crowley & Jimmy Murphy
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan
Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Margaret Kearney & Martin Hopkins
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Marian Marren & John Regan
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Reader: Tina Beirne
Servers: Ciara & Niall Towey & Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: Beatrice Connor
Offertory Gifts: Marian Callaghan & Celia Gallagher
Offertory Collectors: Owen & Sean Callaghan
exploreAway programme offers an opportunity to young men & women aged between 21 & 40 years to explore religious life as a Sister, Brother, Priest, Nun or Monk in a prayerful & reflective environment over 5 residential weekends0873584447/[email protected]
Medjugorie Pilgrimages: 7 nights apartment B & B, airport transport, flight & pilgrimage programme for €550 per person sharing on 13th, 15th & 20th April 2015. To book contact 01 4434510, email: [email protected] Call for other dates in April, May & Sept.
Sunday 18 Jan.: World Day of Migrants & Refugees-'Church without Frontiers, Mother to All'
Accord - Marriage Preparation Courses for 2015 in the Pastoral Centre, Charlestown on following dates: Jan. 23rd & 24th; Feb. 27th & 28th ; April 24th & 25th; May 22nd & 23rd ; Sept. 25th & 26th; Nov. 6th & 7th; Dec. 4th & 5th. All courses are on Friday evenings from 7 – 10pm & Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm. Participants must commit to full course. Cost is €150 per couple. Tel. 094 9254944; Email[email protected].
Accord Counselling – Challenging times can be rough on relationships. When it comes to protcting your most precious investment, talk to Accord. Our services, bases on your needs not your ability to pay, can help you get the most from your marriage. Appointments available mornings & evenings by contacting 094 9254944.
Operation Transformation Walk taking place on Wednesday evenings at 7pm & Saturday Mornings at 10am from the Community Centre. All welcome.
Irish for fun - Conversational Irish classes will begin in Carracastle Community Centre. The course will last for 8 weeks & is aimed at people with little Irish. Enrolment takes place on this Tuesday 20th January at 8.30pm. Further information contact Noirin at 0863836078
Foyer of Light, Charity & Love 5 Day Silent Retreat: February 2th to February 8th 2015 Cost: €380. Theme:“ If you but knew the gift of God...” Preached by Fr. Kilian Byrne Venue: St Mary's Hostel, Knock. Contact: Helen : 086 1678027,
Supervised Study for all exam students Monday to Thursday from 4:10 to 6:10pm. €10 per week. For further information please contact CDP Office, The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen 094 9862565 or email [email protected]
Adult music classes at Kilmovee Comhaltas will recommence for the new term this Wed. 21st January at 8pm in Kilmovee Community Centre. This class was extremely well attended last term and we expect similar numbers this year. Anyone interested in joining is asked to come along this Wednesday night. All other classes began last week and although most are full, we are still trying to accommodate anyone that would like to join this term. If interested, please come along to Kilmovee Community Centre this Monday evening, 19th January, between 4pm and 8:30pm where someone will be available to provide further details. All traditional instruments catered for as well as all levels from beginners to advanced.
Self Care to Wellness Programme - If you are living with a long term health condition you may be interested in doing the "Self Care to Wellness programme". This is a six week programme delivered in 2.5 hour weekly sessions where you will learn new skills to manage your health condition on a day to day basis. This programme will commence in Ballina, Castlebar and Claremorris in January and February 2015. It is in the plan to extend this programme to other communities in the future. For more information please contact Jackie Lynott on 087-7185615 or email:[email protected]
Photocopy & Printing Service available in the Community Resource Centre. Black & White 20cent per page, Black & White Double Sided 30c per page and colour 90c per page.
Mindfulness Course to learn how to relieve stress & anxiety, relaxation tips & tools to
maintain your wellness will begin in the Community Resource Centre Thurs Morning 5th Feb 10:30am to 12:00pm & will run for 6 weeks. To book place & more information 094 9862565
Fresh Start is a GRETB funded training course for people who wish to explore their work options & update or develop new skills. It is particularly suited to persons on a social welfare allowance with short or long term health difficulties. If you wish to enquire about the course please contact Regina or Helena at National Learning Network Castlerea on 094 9620374.
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 18th January, 2015
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Joe & May Regan, Gowel, daughters Sr. Evelyn & Maura , Martin Regan & Mick Phelan
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: John & Margaret Duffy, Rooskey
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: Donors Intentions
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: Paddy Brennan, Palmfield
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: Henry Regan, 9th Anniv. & dec'd family members
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: Catherine & Martin Gallagher, Mary Hunt, dec'd Gallagher & Hunt Families, Cloonlarhan
Sat/day 11.00 Carracastle: Sr. Eileen Davy, Months Mind
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Martin Denis McGuinn, Botuney, 2nd Anniv.
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Donors Intentions
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Tommy Marren (Snr) Tourlestrane, whose funeral took place on Monday last. Sympathy to his son James, Cloonaweema & extended family. Evelyn Molloy, Gowel, 18.01.07 and all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for next Sat. & Sun. 24th & 25th Jan. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Servers: Laura Dooney, Hannah Morrisroe, Emma Morley
Reader: McGuinn Family
Holy Communion: Martin Owens
Offertory Gifts: McGuinn Family
Offertory Collectors: Michael Crowley & Jimmy Murphy
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Maisy Hopkins, Emily Quinn, Donny Durkan
Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Margaret Kearney & Martin Hopkins
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Marian Marren & John Regan
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Reader: Tina Beirne
Servers: Ciara & Niall Towey & Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: Beatrice Connor
Offertory Gifts: Marian Callaghan & Celia Gallagher
Offertory Collectors: Owen & Sean Callaghan
exploreAway programme offers an opportunity to young men & women aged between 21 & 40 years to explore religious life as a Sister, Brother, Priest, Nun or Monk in a prayerful & reflective environment over 5 residential weekends0873584447/[email protected]
Medjugorie Pilgrimages: 7 nights apartment B & B, airport transport, flight & pilgrimage programme for €550 per person sharing on 13th, 15th & 20th April 2015. To book contact 01 4434510, email: [email protected] Call for other dates in April, May & Sept.
Sunday 18 Jan.: World Day of Migrants & Refugees-'Church without Frontiers, Mother to All'
Accord - Marriage Preparation Courses for 2015 in the Pastoral Centre, Charlestown on following dates: Jan. 23rd & 24th; Feb. 27th & 28th ; April 24th & 25th; May 22nd & 23rd ; Sept. 25th & 26th; Nov. 6th & 7th; Dec. 4th & 5th. All courses are on Friday evenings from 7 – 10pm & Saturday 9.30am – 4.30pm. Participants must commit to full course. Cost is €150 per couple. Tel. 094 9254944; Email[email protected].
Accord Counselling – Challenging times can be rough on relationships. When it comes to protcting your most precious investment, talk to Accord. Our services, bases on your needs not your ability to pay, can help you get the most from your marriage. Appointments available mornings & evenings by contacting 094 9254944.
Operation Transformation Walk taking place on Wednesday evenings at 7pm & Saturday Mornings at 10am from the Community Centre. All welcome.
Irish for fun - Conversational Irish classes will begin in Carracastle Community Centre. The course will last for 8 weeks & is aimed at people with little Irish. Enrolment takes place on this Tuesday 20th January at 8.30pm. Further information contact Noirin at 0863836078
Foyer of Light, Charity & Love 5 Day Silent Retreat: February 2th to February 8th 2015 Cost: €380. Theme:“ If you but knew the gift of God...” Preached by Fr. Kilian Byrne Venue: St Mary's Hostel, Knock. Contact: Helen : 086 1678027,
Supervised Study for all exam students Monday to Thursday from 4:10 to 6:10pm. €10 per week. For further information please contact CDP Office, The Shambles, Ballaghaderreen 094 9862565 or email [email protected]
Adult music classes at Kilmovee Comhaltas will recommence for the new term this Wed. 21st January at 8pm in Kilmovee Community Centre. This class was extremely well attended last term and we expect similar numbers this year. Anyone interested in joining is asked to come along this Wednesday night. All other classes began last week and although most are full, we are still trying to accommodate anyone that would like to join this term. If interested, please come along to Kilmovee Community Centre this Monday evening, 19th January, between 4pm and 8:30pm where someone will be available to provide further details. All traditional instruments catered for as well as all levels from beginners to advanced.
Self Care to Wellness Programme - If you are living with a long term health condition you may be interested in doing the "Self Care to Wellness programme". This is a six week programme delivered in 2.5 hour weekly sessions where you will learn new skills to manage your health condition on a day to day basis. This programme will commence in Ballina, Castlebar and Claremorris in January and February 2015. It is in the plan to extend this programme to other communities in the future. For more information please contact Jackie Lynott on 087-7185615 or email:[email protected]
Photocopy & Printing Service available in the Community Resource Centre. Black & White 20cent per page, Black & White Double Sided 30c per page and colour 90c per page.
Mindfulness Course to learn how to relieve stress & anxiety, relaxation tips & tools to
maintain your wellness will begin in the Community Resource Centre Thurs Morning 5th Feb 10:30am to 12:00pm & will run for 6 weeks. To book place & more information 094 9862565
Fresh Start is a GRETB funded training course for people who wish to explore their work options & update or develop new skills. It is particularly suited to persons on a social welfare allowance with short or long term health difficulties. If you wish to enquire about the course please contact Regina or Helena at National Learning Network Castlerea on 094 9620374.
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome