St. James Church, Carracastle & St. Joseph's Church, Rooskey
Trinity Sunday 15th June, 2014
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Mollie & Paddy Beirne, Tunnagh
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Mary & Desmond Fitzgerald, Ballyhaunis
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: No Mass
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: No Mass
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Bob Davern, Corragoola, 1st Anniversary
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Kym & Jack Greene, Balyhaunis
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Annie Marren, late of Fauleens who died in Leigh, Manchester during the week. We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for next Saturday & Sunday 21st & 22nd June, Corpus Christi
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Servers: Emma Morley, Laura Dooney, Amy & Darragh McNicholas
Reader: Davern Family
Holy Communion: Ann Crowley
Offertory Gifts: Davern Family
Offertory Collectors: Margaret Henry & Teresa Quinn
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Shane Doorly-Coleman, Oisin Rgan, Mark Duffy, James Keaveney
Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Teresa Murphy & Marian Roddy
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Vinny Coleman & Martin Owens
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Readers: Attracta & Jason Gallagher
Servers: Niall Towey, Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: Eamonn Gallagher
Offertory Gifts: Gallagher Family
Offertory Collectors: Tina Beirne & Seamus McHale
Urgent Calls: If you need a priest or if there is a funeral please contact one of the following:
The Presbytery, Ballaghaderreen 086-0858889/094-9860011
Fr. Tommy Johnston, Charlestown 085-7789936/094-9254315
Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration Second Annual Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday June 22nd 11am – 5pm. Most Rev. Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam is the chief celebrant.
Accord Counselling: Going through a difficult time? Maybe Accord can help. Accord Charlestown provides a safe, professional & confidential counselling service for people experiencing difficulties within their marriage or relationship. 0949254944/[email protected].
Irish Wheelchair Association churchgate collection on weekend of 21st & 22nd June.
A Memorial Walk is being organised by Mayo/Roscommon Hospice in memory of loved ones. Carracastle are joining in the 5k walk/run/jog on Sunday 29th July at 1pm from Scoil Iosa. Happy Father's Day to all Fathers in our Parish
Praying for the Diocese 2014: Tubbercurry/Cloonacool is a small rural parish in South Sligo, having a population of about 1,700 people. The Church of St. John, Evangelist in Tubbercurry was built in 1933 to replace the Old Church of the Sacred Heart which stood on the site of St. Brigid's Hall. St. Michael's Church, Cloonacool was built about 1853. There are burial grounds in Kilcummin, Cloonacool, Ballyara, The Famine Graveyard & The Marist Cemetery. There is a Mass Rock at Masshill on the scenic road to Lough Easkey, and Mass is celebrated there each year on the nearest Saturday to the Summer Solstice (21st June). Cloonacool Community Centre was recently renovated & refurbished & is the hub of activity in the village of Cloonacool. Tubbercurry had a Workhouse & each year a Mass is said in the Famine Graveyard at the site in Connolly Park. The Marist Sisters have served the community in education & pastoral care for over 100 years & continue to work in & around the parish. There are two primary schools (Holy Family NS, Tubbercurry & St. Michael's NS, Cloonacool), one Secondary School (St. Attracta's Community School) & a third level college (North Connaught College). Gallagher House Resource Centre for therapeutic, recreational, educational & physical advancement of those with special needs was set up 25 years ago. The Chamber of Commerce is active & Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre provides good services & some employment too. The community maintains a strong tradition of music, sport, athletics, drama & other cultural activities. Tubbercurry hosts the oldest DramaFestival in the country each March. In July it hosts the South Sligo Summer School and the Old Fair day in August.In recent years Tubbercurry has twinned with the town of Viarmes near Paris. The priests of the parish are Fr. Martin Jennings, Tubbercurry and Fr. Dan O'Mahony, Cloonacool.
Scoil Iosa: Parishioners, past parents/pupils, Mrs Maloney has tendered her retirement after 13 years as principal in Scoil Iosa. We thank her sincerely for her dedicated service & we wish her every blessing for the future. The Parents Association are making a presentation on behalf of the school community. If you wish to be associated with this presentation and wish to contribute you can contact Maeve Figg 0868607609 or Annmaire Hopkins 0861280858 by Tuesday 17th June. All welcome to attend open air mass & refreshments at Scoil Iosa on Friday 20th commencing at 11am.
Rooskey Old Folks Committee are planning a trip to Foxford Woollen Mills Sunday next 22nd June Everyone over 50yrs are very welcome. A bus & refreshments will be provided. Please put your name on the sheet at the back of the church or in Benson's by Sun. 15th so a bus can be organised. Please tell anyone you think who maybe interested. Looking forward to seeing you all on the day.
Caiseal Gaels U12 League: Caiseal Gaels were defeated by Tooreen last weekend.
Killala-Achonry Diocesan 40th Anniversary Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Bishop John Fleming, Bishop of Killala & Bishop Brendan Kelly, Bishop of Achonry. Spiritual Directors: Fr. Kieran Holmes, Killala Diocese & Fr. John Maloney Achonry Diocese, 23rd- 28th Aug., departs Ireland West Airport Knock. 5 nights full board accommodation in the Hotel Agena. Price €699- (single rooms available, supplement applies). To book , please contact: Pilgrim section: Michael Walkin, Ballina, JWT representative 0866080763; Assisted/invalid pilgrim section: Mary Loftus 09631462. The Diocesan Three Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg takes place 21st-23rd July . Island Admission: Adult €70: Senior €65: Student (Student ID) €59.50. Transport to be confirmed. Contact Fr. John Maloney to reserve a place 094-9367031email: [email protected]
Western Care Association: Summer Solstice 3 day walking Festival on Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail 20th - 22nd June & Clare Ireland Charity walk June 28th. 094-9029136/144
Medjugorje Pilgrimage August 23rd 2014 - Return flights from Knock. 7 nights Half Board (Breakfast & Evening Meal) €669 per person inclusive. Contact Tommy Moran 086 0815635
Kilkelly ICA Outing Thursday 19th June Visiting The Botanic Gardens Glasnevin Dublin
Kilmovee Swimming Pool Committee are hosting American Tea party Saturday 21st June at 8pm
Volunteers required for Solas Festival. Contact Community Rsource Centre 0949862565
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome
Trinity Sunday 15th June, 2014
Fr. Michael Quinn 094-9254301, 087-9082342, [email protected]
Mass Times & Intentions
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Mollie & Paddy Beirne, Tunnagh
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Mary & Desmond Fitzgerald, Ballyhaunis
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Monday 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Tuesday 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Wednes. 10.00 Rooskey: No Mass
Thurs. 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Friday 7.00 Rooskey: No Mass
Sat/day 10.00 Carracastle: No Mass
Sat/day 8.00 Carracastle: Bob Davern, Corragoola, 1st Anniversary
Sunday 10.00 Rooskey: Kym & Jack Greene, Balyhaunis
Sunday 11.30 Carracastle: For the Community, the Living & the Deceased
Your prayers please for Annie Marren, late of Fauleens who died in Leigh, Manchester during the week. We remember all whose anniversaries occur at this time.
Ministers for next Saturday & Sunday 21st & 22nd June, Corpus Christi
Carracastle: Saturday 8.00:
Servers: Emma Morley, Laura Dooney, Amy & Darragh McNicholas
Reader: Davern Family
Holy Communion: Ann Crowley
Offertory Gifts: Davern Family
Offertory Collectors: Margaret Henry & Teresa Quinn
Sunday 11.30
Servers: Shane Doorly-Coleman, Oisin Rgan, Mark Duffy, James Keaveney
Reader: Eva Dearie
Holy Communion: Teresa Murphy & Marian Roddy
Offertory Gifts: John Molloy & Michael Phillips
Offertory Collectors: Vinny Coleman & Martin Owens
Rooskey: Sunday 10.00:
Readers: Attracta & Jason Gallagher
Servers: Niall Towey, Adam McGowan
Holy Communion: Eamonn Gallagher
Offertory Gifts: Gallagher Family
Offertory Collectors: Tina Beirne & Seamus McHale
Urgent Calls: If you need a priest or if there is a funeral please contact one of the following:
The Presbytery, Ballaghaderreen 086-0858889/094-9860011
Fr. Tommy Johnston, Charlestown 085-7789936/094-9254315
Apostolate of Eucharistic Adoration Second Annual Pilgrimage to Knock Sunday June 22nd 11am – 5pm. Most Rev. Michael Neary, Archbishop of Tuam is the chief celebrant.
Accord Counselling: Going through a difficult time? Maybe Accord can help. Accord Charlestown provides a safe, professional & confidential counselling service for people experiencing difficulties within their marriage or relationship. 0949254944/[email protected].
Irish Wheelchair Association churchgate collection on weekend of 21st & 22nd June.
A Memorial Walk is being organised by Mayo/Roscommon Hospice in memory of loved ones. Carracastle are joining in the 5k walk/run/jog on Sunday 29th July at 1pm from Scoil Iosa. Happy Father's Day to all Fathers in our Parish
Praying for the Diocese 2014: Tubbercurry/Cloonacool is a small rural parish in South Sligo, having a population of about 1,700 people. The Church of St. John, Evangelist in Tubbercurry was built in 1933 to replace the Old Church of the Sacred Heart which stood on the site of St. Brigid's Hall. St. Michael's Church, Cloonacool was built about 1853. There are burial grounds in Kilcummin, Cloonacool, Ballyara, The Famine Graveyard & The Marist Cemetery. There is a Mass Rock at Masshill on the scenic road to Lough Easkey, and Mass is celebrated there each year on the nearest Saturday to the Summer Solstice (21st June). Cloonacool Community Centre was recently renovated & refurbished & is the hub of activity in the village of Cloonacool. Tubbercurry had a Workhouse & each year a Mass is said in the Famine Graveyard at the site in Connolly Park. The Marist Sisters have served the community in education & pastoral care for over 100 years & continue to work in & around the parish. There are two primary schools (Holy Family NS, Tubbercurry & St. Michael's NS, Cloonacool), one Secondary School (St. Attracta's Community School) & a third level college (North Connaught College). Gallagher House Resource Centre for therapeutic, recreational, educational & physical advancement of those with special needs was set up 25 years ago. The Chamber of Commerce is active & Tubbercurry Family Resource Centre provides good services & some employment too. The community maintains a strong tradition of music, sport, athletics, drama & other cultural activities. Tubbercurry hosts the oldest DramaFestival in the country each March. In July it hosts the South Sligo Summer School and the Old Fair day in August.In recent years Tubbercurry has twinned with the town of Viarmes near Paris. The priests of the parish are Fr. Martin Jennings, Tubbercurry and Fr. Dan O'Mahony, Cloonacool.
Scoil Iosa: Parishioners, past parents/pupils, Mrs Maloney has tendered her retirement after 13 years as principal in Scoil Iosa. We thank her sincerely for her dedicated service & we wish her every blessing for the future. The Parents Association are making a presentation on behalf of the school community. If you wish to be associated with this presentation and wish to contribute you can contact Maeve Figg 0868607609 or Annmaire Hopkins 0861280858 by Tuesday 17th June. All welcome to attend open air mass & refreshments at Scoil Iosa on Friday 20th commencing at 11am.
Rooskey Old Folks Committee are planning a trip to Foxford Woollen Mills Sunday next 22nd June Everyone over 50yrs are very welcome. A bus & refreshments will be provided. Please put your name on the sheet at the back of the church or in Benson's by Sun. 15th so a bus can be organised. Please tell anyone you think who maybe interested. Looking forward to seeing you all on the day.
Caiseal Gaels U12 League: Caiseal Gaels were defeated by Tooreen last weekend.
Killala-Achonry Diocesan 40th Anniversary Pilgrimage to Lourdes led by Bishop John Fleming, Bishop of Killala & Bishop Brendan Kelly, Bishop of Achonry. Spiritual Directors: Fr. Kieran Holmes, Killala Diocese & Fr. John Maloney Achonry Diocese, 23rd- 28th Aug., departs Ireland West Airport Knock. 5 nights full board accommodation in the Hotel Agena. Price €699- (single rooms available, supplement applies). To book , please contact: Pilgrim section: Michael Walkin, Ballina, JWT representative 0866080763; Assisted/invalid pilgrim section: Mary Loftus 09631462. The Diocesan Three Day Pilgrimage to Lough Derg takes place 21st-23rd July . Island Admission: Adult €70: Senior €65: Student (Student ID) €59.50. Transport to be confirmed. Contact Fr. John Maloney to reserve a place 094-9367031email: [email protected]
Western Care Association: Summer Solstice 3 day walking Festival on Croagh Patrick Heritage Trail 20th - 22nd June & Clare Ireland Charity walk June 28th. 094-9029136/144
Medjugorje Pilgrimage August 23rd 2014 - Return flights from Knock. 7 nights Half Board (Breakfast & Evening Meal) €669 per person inclusive. Contact Tommy Moran 086 0815635
Kilkelly ICA Outing Thursday 19th June Visiting The Botanic Gardens Glasnevin Dublin
Kilmovee Swimming Pool Committee are hosting American Tea party Saturday 21st June at 8pm
Volunteers required for Solas Festival. Contact Community Rsource Centre 0949862565
Music in Davys: Traditional music Sunday night with Joe Grady. All musicians welcome